November 04, 2006

Office Goldberg. Elaborate contraption in the workplace. Beats filling in TPS reports. Via ABS.
  • Wow, that was like flying a woman to Hawaii for the weekend and getting a handshake out of the deal.
  • ピタゴラスイッチ
  • Wow, that was like flying a woman to Hawaii for the weekend and getting a handshake out of the deal. Now that is the essence of a Rube Goldberg machine!
  • If I had that much time on my hands at work, I'd...well, I guess I'd spend more of it on Monkeyfilter.
  • I just looked up Rube Goldberg at Wikipedia and it told me that he graduated from Cal-Berkeley in 1904 with a degree in beating off. Are they still offering that degree, and is there anyway I can get it online?
  • I haven't linked in ages. I suppose that the actual Wikipedia link would help. Huh. On preview, it is gone. It now says he majored in engineering. Those Wikipedia fuckers are on the ball.
  • Hah, that's very cute.