July 30, 2006


Simplifying the wooden furniture supply-chain by getting trees to grow into useful shapes, as opposed to just sitting there and sucking up nutrients all day like some goddam hippy.

  • Very cool stuff. I seem to remember having seen some "arborsmithed" trees when I was young. Or perhaps I dreamed it. Or perhaps I'm just lying to get attention. I'll be stealing a link from that site.
  • Wow.
  • The tetanus tree.
  • There's a children's story just begging to be written: The Tetanus Tree "Ouch!" Johnny cried. "This tree is rusty!" To their amazement, the tree itself began speaking to them in a creaky, dry voice, "That's right, you little punk, and in three days your jaw is going lock up forever and ever!!!" "Oh noes!" Johnny said, and tears came to his eyes.
  • Amazing that the bike was left there long enough for the tree to surround it.
  • I fergot. GramMa sez: As the twig is bent, so goes the ... tree.
  • Awesome link.
  • Damn, I thought this was about Aerosmith.
  • I got a better idea, we should grow hippies into usefull shapes. Of course I couldn't deal with my barcalounger wreaking of patchouli.
  • That's dumb. How would you like it if someone split your arm down the middle and grafted it to your arse? And really, trees say 'peace' just fine without some symbol to make it obvious. Please, someone explain to me how arborsmithing is, in any way, a 'solution for a small planet!' Cool bike pic though.
  • Ecle: I'm with you re: solutions. Kinda dumb--like you could grow enough chairs to supply the sit-downs of the world. They are cool things to look at (and play with) MonkeyFilter: How would you like it if someone split your arm down the middle and grafted it to your arse? Just sayin'
  • i'm reminded of the les fourches de sauve (in french). these are special rakes that have traditionally been made from micocoulier de provence (celtis australis, european hackberry, or european nettle tree). the branches of the hackberry are particularly suited to the rake form, and the wood is light, flexible, and resistant enough to make a useful tool. rake production in sauve goes back at least to the 17th century.