December 01, 2003

Center for Online and Internet Addiction... Founded in 1995, we serve as the first training institute and recovery center to specialize in Internet addiction and related online mental health conditions.
  • Also, could you be addicted?? Denial is the first sign of a problem.
  • Does anyone else find it ironic that a site for people who are "addicted" to the internet is poorly designed and really, really ugly? Also, that quiz is hilarious. I'm not saying why it's hilarious, but it is.
  • Heh. I've always thought sites like this missed the point. It's got a hundred or so pages inside of it. If you read half of those, haven't you killed time better spent outside? I may be a bit biased what with the whole selling my family into slavery for extra bandwith though.
  • Wow. That whole selling your family is *much* better than what I came up with. Damn.
  • In addition to office visits, our Virtual Clinic provides immediate, confidential, and high quality healthcare through email, chat room, and telephone counseling. Do people actually find it easier to admit they have a problem with online addiction in a chat room?
  • How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing thoughts of the Internet? Oh, all the time. Sometimes I dream in HTML
  • Again with the HTML. I gotta get a book or something...
  • It really is as easy as they say. Well, for posting purposes anyway. All you have to do is know some tags for urls and formatting and you're good.
  • for (int i=0 ; i < 100000; i++) cout<<"Or you can write psuedocode that if it worked would make people cry.\n"
  • I took the quiz and got a lowly 27. Maybe I am not hardcore enough? I fear I am a wannabe internet addict. Maybe if i got an aeron chair...
  • This could be a whole start to a new form of Redneck Jokes, Internet Addiction Jokes
    "If you legally adopt your screenname as your birth might be addicted to the internet..."
    "If you constantly wish the television remote had a back button and a home might be addicted to the internet..."
  • Internet Addiction Jokes - warning: Geocities site.
  • I should have know there would be a site for them. My favorite:
    You check your mail. It says "no new messages." So you check it again.
    Pathetically I'm guilty as charged.
  • 4. How .... do you form new relationships with fellow on-line users? MONKEYFILTER!
  • I got a 42. They said 42 was ok, but frankly, I'm kinda bummed because 42 sounds high.
  • I'm not addicted, I'm not addicted, I'm NOT addicted... *rocks in foetal position*
  • "If you constantly wish the television remote had a back button and a home might be addicted to the internet..." Sadly, I have a computer with FreeVo and a wireless card so I can surf the web on my TV using a remote control. (I don't, but I could.)
  • YES! YES!!! YES!!!!
  • Well, jeez, if this series of posts isn't a sign of internet addiction on my part, I don't know what is.
  • ironical, isn't it?
  • *hands Nickdanger new underwear with a stick* *a looooong stick*