February 04, 2006

How Long? How Often? A summary of sex surveys and reports. The most orgasms they recorded in an hour for a woman is a staggering 134, while the best men could do was 16. Any similarities to a post on MeFi is totally coincidence. This has never happened to me before, baby.
  • I know a woman who can do more. If she didn't get bored half way, that is. And probably without the men in white coats around her taking notes. Or maybe that would make her less bored. Ghee, I have to find out.
  • I'd sooner give 134 women a one-hour long orgasm each, but that's just the emptiness in my soul talking.
  • 134 orgasms. It staggers the mind, so much so, it really makes me question the validity of that statistic. C'mon, one complete, succinct orgasm every, what, 25 seconds or so, for a FULL HOUR? Nuh uh, don't buy it.
  • Forget 134. Why, more than a dozen... sheez, that's not fair. Not fair. If she didn't get bored half way, that is. Bored. For the love of... How can someone get bored... *weeps*
  • Trust me, Flagpole, you're not the only one weeping here!
  • Yeah, 134 is really pushing it. I've had quite a few in an hour but it sure as hell didn't approach 134. As for the 16 orgasms in an hour for a guy, what was he, 12? I mean, really. Is that really possible for a guy? My ex and I pulled it off nine times in about a four hour span, but he pleaded for some sympathy after that.
  • 16 orgasms per hour = one every 3 minutes 45 seconds. Hmph.
  • The most orgasms they recorded in an hour for a woman is a staggering 134 And she only faked 130 of them...go girl!
  • I find it hard to believe a male could achieve 16 an hour. Am I doing something wrong?
  • 134?? Huh, IME it can get.....interesting....after the first 30 or so. breathe honey, come on, remember? the whole lungs in, lungs out thing? that's good, that's good....
  • Please excuse shaky typing.
  • 16 in one hour is ridiculous. That's just not believable. Even with special drugs, lab assistants, and a special training regimen. After the first five or so, I don't think they'd even qualify as orgasms.
  • dribble
  • "I remember one woman who was capable of from fifteen to twenty orgasms in twenty minutes. Even the most casual contact could arouse a sexual response in her. Observing her both in masturbation and in sexual intercourse, we found that in intercourse her first orgasm occurred with two to five seconds after entry." I married too soon. I find it hard to believe a male could achieve 16 an hour. Am I doing something wrong? You are not married to Ron Jeremy, evidently. That can't be physically possible.
  • Maybe we were faking them.
  • Decades ago, an acquaintance from Kentucky (Beautiful Horses. Fast women.) taught me this one: I'm so tired. I'm so sore. Ain't gonna do it for a nickel no more. Fifteen cents is my new price. Give me a quarter and I'll do it twice. After this would come a looooong pause as my informant fluttered her eyelashes, and then appended the (in my opinion) spurious inquiry: ...Shoeshine, mister?
  • I am wondering if we are dealing with different definitions of the word "orgasm."
  • "My wife didn't see how you could manage it at all."
  • You know, looking at this report is as sad as reading the script to a TV show that got cancelled a long time ago...
  • nice one bees :) Y'know, there are other statistics and information there. You Sick Fucks (tm)
  • Kind of ye, pete, but the lines in italics are not original with me. Suspect they're folkore -- haven't heard or read 'em elsewhere, though they have an early 20th-century feel to 'em.
  • Ah, curse it! = folklore
  • Fucklore?
  • karma suit ye?
  • OUCH!
  • Heh! *takes out list* *ticks off Wet, Soapy Mare*
  • *awards honorary 8oz. squeeze-bottle of Dr Bronner's (peppermint flavour) to beeswacky*
  • Perhaps the 16 come from Direct Prostate Manipulation, rather than, you know, earned?
  • The good old fasioned way? (We earned it)
  • Please do not ever connect the concepts of John Houseman and Male Orgasms ever again, pete. Much obliged.
  • Oh sure, this from the "Direct Prostate Manipulation" guy. Although, in retrospect, Smith-Barney could have chosen to go with Kate Bush. mmmm kate bush.