January 26, 2006

Identify this Lobster-beast - 'It looks like a cross between a crayfish and a lobster with some characteristics of a large prawn or crab but even the experts are stumped about the identity of this crustacean.'

Who cares? Well, anyway, I can identify it. I have a special method, I use my taste buds. And, you know, just lately I feel strangely hungry. /sound of bubbling and deep breaths

  • It has an audible 'dik'. Ah, the wonders of evolution.
  • Recommended method for dealing with that mofo -- a) one pot boiling water b) couple of bay leaves in said water, bouquet garni is OK too c) turn heat off, throw thing in d) 4 mins. later, take thing out e) tear apart, eat thing with proper mayonnaise, maybe some lemon or line juice, good bread f) problem resolved.
  • g) prefer lime juice to line juice
  • That's not very Buddhist! Mind you, I eat crayfish too. They just.. they just taste toooooooo goooooood. I'm sorry, but I have no control over my addiction to crayfish.
  • After I was shown a live 3.5kgs crayfish, I've witnessed that they are evil and it is our job to eat them before they manage to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!! Um can someone please pass the lemon?
  • *drools*
  • His name is Dean. Is that enough identification for you?
  • [cf Beeswacky's excellent poem about a lobster in a pot on this very site but long time ago in a thread far far away] c) turn heat off, throw thing in d) 4 mins. later, take thing out I wondered why your thing was that weird colour.
  • Didn't Dr. Zoidberg go on vacation in Tuaran nine months ago?
  • You've seen the colour of Wolof's thing?
  • Hmm, what is the gestation period for Decapodians?
  • did-a-chik? dad-a-chum? tik-tik?
  • That'd make a mean etouffee
  • *waggles eyebrows at chimaera*
  • Thalassina Anomala. Mud Lobster.
  • Pleggy knows all, sees all.
  • Damn. Once again Pleggy shows that simple Monkeys are far smarter than these so-called "experts." Also, we have better Google-Fu. ok, HE is...
  • Youre all making me really homesick for Maine...no lobsters to be had up in Vermont, not for poor students anyways.
  • It wasn't a rock. It was a Rock Mud Lobster!
  • Tha Winnah! *ding!* *ding!*
  • "I am used to seeing Long-tail macaques, monitor lizards, and sea otters," he said. Me too. Sometimes all at once. But only at those decadent "mixed" discoteques where this kind of cross-specied hedonism is actively encouraged. I try not to think about it.
  • If he gets famous enough, he'll be a LobStar!
  • That's Bob. It's ok, he's cool
  • It was a reference to Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I wasn't going to post it, but thought someone in this thread must've read the series and decided what the hell.
  • I got it, chimaera. :)
  • This beastie is a mangrove prawn; its sharp claws are impressively strong; normally it lives a long way down in a hole it the mud of the mangrove ground. People usually leave this fellow alone. He's fierce and aggressive when on his own: 'Click! Click! I snap my claws at you, if ye come near, I'll turn ye black and blue!'
  • I wondered why your thing was that weird colour. Four minutes is about as I can manage these day. Mmmm, Forry, Grils!
  • Dig my ethylene-like last post! If you are reading this, eth, all my best to you.
  • Be Lenient with Lobsters Be lenient with lobsters, and kind to crabs, And be not disrespectful to cuttlefish or dabs; Chase not the Cochin-China, chaff not the ox obese, And babble not of featherbeds in company with geese. Be tender with the tadpole, and let the limpet thrive, Be merciful to mussels, don't skin your eels alive; When talking to a turtle don't mention calipee -- Be always kind to animals wherever you may be. -- Anonymous
  • That looks like an albino orangutan went to a key party and met a lobster. I don't know whether to pet it or boil it alive.
  • Degenerate!
  • Alas, I was lax with a lobster when I hauled him from the sea. I saw his claws bore fleeces of fur and this seemed rather strange to me. "Are you deformed or simply ill?" I asked this lobster miserably. "Look, sir, the water's really chill when you live deep in the sea. Hard to keep your pincers limber -- so lobsters learned to grow long fur with sufficient length and number to serve for mittens," he said with hauteur. But I was hungry; though he nipped, I quickly took him from the trap, in boiling water fast I flipped him, and dined before a well-earned nap. But I took a lesson from this lobster -- I shaved his claws and knit some socks which you may see if you glance down, sir, at my feet astride these cold wet rocks.
  • The Kiwa furry lobsters are as fuzzy as the bees perhaps their claws have fuzz because there's flowers 'neath the seas. Their fuzz the wat'ry pollen nets, to take back to the hive but to get at any honey, ya gotta take a dive.
  • Mmhhhh... furry lobster... *cough*
  • She's walking sideways: must be a crab.
  • Say, rather, a lady of strange booty.