October 31, 2005

Seven firemen fired for having sex while on duty. After 9/11, we all changed. More than ever, even since the dawn of charity calendars, firemen were able to catch more tail than the Humane Society. [via obscurestore]

In all fairness, it was hard to bring the pole home.

  • With each other?
  • Eamon, I thought the exact same thing! I was a bit disappointed when I read that it wasn't with each other.
  • That wouldn't surprise me. Firefighters are an egotistical bunch.
  • heh...I was about to make some smarta$$ comment then decided I better check the link first...only to find out that this is the township I grew up in. Let me state at this time, I have never had sex (with a fireman, firewoman, or fireperson). And, I will deny that we used to hang around the fire-station 'cuz it was just a neat place when you were 12 years old!
  • Makes it sound like while fighting a fire they stopped and had a quickie with some fireman-groupies. I can just picture the house burning down around them while they finish up.
  • Wow. Imagine what happens if the fire bell rings while the fireman has his red pants down. Hurry up and finish, or pull out and leave the job half done?
  • Wow, this thread went in the gutter quickly.
  • I was kind of with each other. They like threesomes:
    Stoker, 32, was fired for engaging in on-duty sex in 2003 with a woman at an unnamed township fire station. Again, the act was confirmed by a former township firefighter "who was present and participated in the on-duty sexual activity," Stoker's termination letter stated. ... Shaw, 31, was dismissed from the department for having sex with his girlfriend and another woman at the Spring Arbor Road station. ... Two sexual encounters, one in 2002 and another in 2003, were confirmed by a former township firefighter "who was on duty (with Warner) at the time and participated in the sexual activity," Warner's termination letter stated.
  • Hey, they should cut some slack to those guys. As long as their 'hosing' didn't interfere with emergencies... hey, that could be their last.
  • Don't buy the hype, flagpole... According to the US Dept of Labor, Firefighter is the 14th most dangerous job. Firefighters just have better marketing than DeBeer's.
  • That wouldn't surprise me. Firefighters are an egotistical bunch. Please, if you're going to tar us all with that brush, use the appropriate term and say "America's Heroes are an egotistical bunch."
  • Did just one guy turn them in? If so, what do you think his chances are when the fire is at his house?
  • Re: rocket88's link: cashier... taxi or truck driver, OK... but sales supervisor/proprietor?
  • Sales supervisor/proprietor = convenience store/gas station robbery and murder magnet owner.
  • taxi or truck driver, OK... but sales supervisor/proprietor? The guy behind the counter at the 24-hour mini-mart.
  • Or at the corner bodega/Korean grocery/etc.
  • Whoa, I too was chuckling inwardly at HuronBob there for being from firehouse sex scandal township, until I checked the link. *offers HB secret handshake* For my part, I can testify that no sex has ever been had in Jackson, Michigan. Don't believe the hype.
  • When I was a young teenager in Baltimore there was a case of a particular fire station carrying on repeatedly with a 13 year old girl. I don't know where to tell y'all to look for the details, baltimoresun.com probably won't carry 30 year old minutae, I'm just saying this "phenomenon" ain't new.
  • As a former EMT in an undisclosed location, it was fairly common for people to engage in these types of activities at various stations. Imagine being sequestered with people of both sexes, sometimes for up to 48 hours at a time, just waiting for a call. While I never engaged in it, and really thought it quite despicable for the married folks in my station, I chalk it up to human nature.
  • You know, that sounds just like my office. Damn those unclothed locations!
  • As a former cop, I can understand the sex on duty thing. In my profession there was power trip sex and uniform fetish sex. I don't know what the balance is for firemen, but I know they get both as well. It's not all that uncommon a desire to want to sex up a man/woman in uniform, is it?
  • Dude, am I in the wrong line of work?!
  • *polishes buttons*
  • There should be more blogs of that quality, petebest.
  • Coppermac, so it's OK to hang out at the Elks Club? Or is that a diffent deployment, as it were?
  • "polishing the buttons" ??? Kitfisto, take that to the WhatchacallIt thread.
  • But I thought that's exactly why all little boys want to be firemen. Running into a burning building? No thank you! Crazy sluts on the hood of a fire truck? Yes please!
  • Elks Club? What are you, some sort of bestialist?
  • Twee-wacka-hoot!
  • Twee iddy fiddies an' a mama fiddy too?