October 01, 2005

CSS 2.1 selectors, Part 1 "Among the first things you learn when you start out with CSS are selectors. Selectors are a fundamental part of CSS, but few developers use them to their full potential. Learning how to use the full range of CSS selectors available in CSS 2.1 properly can actually help you keep your HTML a lot cleaner. It will let you minimise unnecessary use of the class attribute and the need for adding extraneous div and span elements to the markup."
  • ooh this is nice, thanks. selectors are one of those things i've sort of amalgamated a fuctional understanding of, but i've always felt i was missing a few reasons behind the rhyme.
  • (and on closer inspection, there is a lot of stuff here i hadn't really dreamed of)
  • I personally think one of the joys and frustrations of being a web developer is that, unlike most other programming environments, you are constantly on a never-ending journey of upgrading your skills. Compared to, say, programming client / server or desktop applications in Java, VB.NET, whatever, which may go through major language revisions every couple of years, in web development you struggle with language revisions (which will probably cycle faster if you're using an opensource language such as PHP, Python, Perl etc), standards revisions, browser revisions (and the clash of incompatibilities between the standards implementations of not only each browser, but each version of each browser). It's a joy because you never get a chance to be bored or feel complacent. It's a frustration because you never really achieve a point where you think, "I know almost all I need to know to do this job right." Thanks for sharing this article. I'm looking forward to IE7, though it will be interesting to see what its take-up rate will be like, given that it's tied to the take-up of Windows Vista. For those interested, you might like to check out the IE7 project, which attempts to make IE6 more standards-compatible than it currently is.
  • that was so god damned informative that my brain exploded. thanks!
  • Online CSS Optimizer - Helps reduce the file size of CSS. Besides removing white spaces and comments, similar classes will also be grouped together.
  • Neat... but can I trust a site that can't keep their buttons off each other?
  • CSS Hacks Chart Will the browser apply the rule(s)?