September 15, 2005

POTUS asks Condi for a POTTY break . No, it isn't a Photoshop contest on Fark. Its a real photo and caption from Reuters.
  • Doesn't this have to be a joke? p.s. ahem.
  • "...I may need a bathroom break ?" Also, note that he says MAY NEED A BATHroom break. The emphasis is very odd. Perhaps he... Oh, yeah, I do have more important things to do.
  • I may need . . . nope, not anymore. Carry on.
  • Someone should Photoshop this to read "I may need to discuss anal leakage." Pretty please?
  • er, if that sounded like a jab at mecurious or kirkaracha, it wasn't meant to.
  • So did he get his break? We wouldn't want to see the leader of the most powerful country in the world shit himself in public would we?
  • 'The voice on this thing in my ear God tells me it's time for me to go take a leak. Can I?'
  • mr. bush has nice hand writing, those he has strange capitalization
  • He's just remembered what happened to his daddy when he visited Japan.
  • Why ask Condi? Can't he make this decision on his own?
  • Maybe he needs to be accompanied?
  • Having a couple of dyslexics in the family (what neurological disorder is *not* born by one of my kin?) I have to say that is very dyslexic handwriting. OK, so is this an official photoshop challenge? Gentlemen, start your engines.
  • Having a bunch of friends and family who write very similarly, that is very non dyslexic handwriting.
  • I think I'll keep an eye on Snopes to see what they say. This is weird, to say the least.
  • Yeah, it's probably just Republican handwriting. :P
  • The media has been sucked in before by photoshops. I wonder why the 'i' is capitalised in two different ways between "I think..." and "Is this..." I reckon fake.
  • It's printing versus cursive, tracicle, that's not necessarily a sign of fakery.
  • Oh come on. I hate the bastard just as much as any red-blooded American queer, but even Satan's avatar on Earth has to drop the kids off at the pool occasionally. Should he have whispered it in the mic?
  • That reminds me, douggles (and maybe it's what you're referring to): didn't Bush and Cheney get in trouble early in the first term after speaking ill of some reporter straight into a microphone?
  • BUSH: "There's Adam Clymer, major league asshole, from the New York Times..." CHENEY: "Yeah, big time."
  • Thanks, Chy. You've made several non-Monkeys chuckle via your hard work.
  • "That reminds me, douggles (and maybe it's what you're referring to)…" I was just being snide -- it IS what I'm best at and you play to your strengths, you know -- but yeah, you're right. I didn't even see the connection, but it fits. Darn. It's a nice quiet reference, but I can't claim it as my own. Oh well.
  • I don't know chyren, I'm a dyslexic and my hand writing is nothing like that
  • "Think" and "may" are what caught my notice, like, immediately. I've got no zingers, just a kind of slack-jawed-blinking befuddlement. I...what? okay, that's kind of a zinger.
  • Well, everyone's different, pilgrim. When I first saw the image I was immediately reminded of the handwriting of my unka pete who is pretty severely dyslexic. But sweeping generalisations are crap, of course. And I realise calling Chimpy dyslexic is an insult to dyslexics.
  • ))) for the pics Chy... Now truly, I think we have undeniable proof that the image tag has in fact made MoFi more enjoyable. I was there folks, it's no fake! Besides, being the POTUS and all, you need to make your Secret Service cronies aware of sudden sprints to the loo. I don't see what the fuss is about.
  • I have to say that is very dyslexic handwriting. I don't know chyren, I'm a dyslexic and my hand writing is nothing like that Yeah, my dyslexia effects my handwriting and it's way worse than that. Bush's handwriting looks pretty clear and fluent to me.
  • sugarmilktea, I hope you disseminate these :)
  • sugarmilktea, I hope you disseminate these :) If I have your permission, I will send these pics to the color printer upon my arrival at the office tomorrow morning, and um, well... place them strategically at various locations where they will surely be viewed by some interesting figures... :))
  • Ha! Loving it.
  • Nice job, Chy.
  • Also in the Mefi thread, someone googled Bush's handwriting and, although I haven't looked myself, it's apparently quite different to that of the note.
  • Was planning to get a nice pic with my MoFi shirt at the assembly, but this will be much more fun! Will give an update tomorrow...
  • Here's an article. Although they use the word appear.
  • the cursive part of the script is sufficiently similar to the 'let freedom reign' note.
  • However, it is possible that someone took the original image and rearranged existing text, as I did in the first pshop above, to make it into the bathroom break note, which may explain the odd mix of upper case and cursive script. The news services wouldn't do this knowingly, because their credibility rests on the accuracy of their data. Reuters strictly prohibits editing of photos in this way. I'm sure there must have been cases where it has been done, however.
  • To the viewer there's nothing to say for certain that, if it's real, this is Bush's shoulder we're looking over. It's down to the photographer's integrity. "Sorry, Sir, you'll have to hold it."
  • I still remember a classic scene 20 years ago on Not Necessarily The News. Reagan was in a photo op, signing a piece of legislation. They cut to a closeup of a hand writing "I.O.U. $150,000,000,000. - Ronald Reagan"
  • Ah, Stuart Pankin, where are ye now?
  • "It's down to the photographer's integrity." I can see it .. maybe .. but the guy would be looking for a new job. These press agencies are very hot on this stuff. It would be someone in-between the photog and the news agency, someone who's processing the image. And I'd expect to see the unretouched image elsewhere.
  • Nice work, Chy!! ...and um, well... place them strategically at various locations where they will surely be viewed by some interesting figures. Please, please, smt, tell me you did!
  • That photo reminds me that he is human after all... obviously a devious Rovian plot to hide the truth from the public. (Is it redundant to use both "devious" and "Rovian" in the same sentence?) minda25: Also, note that he says MAY NEED A BATHroom break. The emphasis is very odd. Yeah, I noticed that too, but that's only because I've been reading about hypnotic language and embedded commands. The starting lines of an incontinence induction, I wonder.
  • Oh shit. On that note, I forgot the most obvious photoshop: fnord.
  • That's a great line . . . FOR ME TO POOP ON!! Give me a break, I just got back from poker night, and after getting up about 50 bucks I only ended up winning $8.50.
  • mug's game.
  • Why the question mark? Does he really need his handlers to tell him if that odd sensation is indeed bladder-fullness? Oh, I wish I wasn't at work. My fingers are itching to photoshop that...
  • You people are dreadful. Can't poor old Mr Bush even negotiate a comfort break in privacy, without provoking a stream of juvenile jokes? You'd think he gets the piss taken out of him too often to need one, anyway.
  • Dearest Condolezza, Is there no greater memento of our stark and lowly human place upon this Earth? That even when we are fully engaged in the most weighty and pressing matters of state - soaring in the clouds of high politics and battling unceasingly for just temporal governance upon this blessed globe of ours - we can be drawn inexorably back to the most fundamental, most animal nature of ourselves? Yes, for even I now find myself even in this position, and desperately require - O hubris' nemesis! - the humble convenience of the water closet! Treaties, covenants, resolutions that would sure the foundations of this fragile leviathan we call the international legal order, they must wait. And yet - and here I truly implore you - is it even possible that, within this vast tumult of motions and debate, I could divest myself of this position of overwhelming responsibility simply to attend to my ablutions? Oh, dear Secretary of our Land of Freedom, would that you could apologize for my momentary absence from this noble chamber for brief minutes, as WAIT AH FUCKIT I SHIT MY PANTS.
  • I'm not struck by the odd use of capitals and cursive so much as the 'think' and 'may'. It's what a little kid would ask. Maybe. Even needing to give the secret service guys a heads-up, I would expect such a decisive and intrepid leader to say something declaratory -- 'I'm going to the washroom soon' or something. But I'm also wondering about the clarity of this writing. Those are awfully thick lines for a pencil. You wouldn't get lines that thick unless it were already worn to a nub, and Chimpy was pressing down extra-hard. Pencil looks sharper than Chimpy himself. I vote for fake. Any other entrails we can examine?
  • OK, while I bow to Chyren's superior Photoshop skills, I had to do something. Since I'm at work, it had to be PG. Also, until I deciphered the horrible writing, I thought he was inquiring about Kim Possible at the bottom of the note. Image hosted by
  • Why the hell is he signing the note?
  • He's signing the note because Condi is directly behind him and he's handing it directly to her -- he want's to be sure she knows it's from him. This is Chimpy we're talking about. Lara.. awesome!
  • It's what a little kid would ask. Maybe. What I find interesting here is Capt. Renault's inconsistency: strongly espousing an initial conclusion, only to cast doubt on it immediately afterwards. Surely this is an indicator of a lack of "mental confidence", or indeed a subconscious admission of his own guilt-complex. But I'm also wondering about the clarity of this writing. Those are awfully thick lines for a pencil. Again, inconsistency abounds: Capt Renault begins with a discussion of "clarity", yet interprets this phrase to refer to the thickness of the lines written. Yet the script in question is obviously clear and legible: is this simply bad phrasing on Renault's part, or is he giving the reader a subconscious commentary on his own lack of lucidity? You wouldn't get lines that thick unless it were already worn to a nub, and Chimpy was pressing down extra-hard. Pencil looks sharper than Chimpy himself. I vote for fake. Note here that in the first sentence, Renault all but assumes that it is the writing of Bush, immediately afterwards he concludes that the photo is fake. This "multiple conclusion disorder" is obviously symptomatic of a deep-seated psychosis, one which even extends to the strange "name" of the subject - "Capt. Renault" - obviously a bizarre pseudonym whose true significance is, perhaps, only known to the writer?
  • I would have expected him to be using a nicer writing implement than a regular old pencil. But I don't know why, it's not like I can imagine him diligently taking notes or anything. At least it wasn't in crayon.
  • This is about me not being able to find your pee-pee, isn't it, quid?
  • Touche quid. I have heard some discussion that perhaps the note was a request from someone else, addressed to Bush. And in other news, security *is* tight, but a selection of Chy's handiwork has managed to be placed. I'm just waiting for some chuckles now... *cough*
  • Sorry, quidnunc, I couldn't fit it all in. which is a phrase I'm sure you've heard many times before
  • I would have expected him to be using a nicer writing implement than a regular old pencil cabingirl's penile fixation is clearly manifesting itself here: her disappointment at the "regular old pencil" is obviously a misplaced revulsion of the POTUS's withered, limp penis that the pencil symbolizes. We can see clearly her sexual desire to be "written to" with a "nicer implement": no doubt the subject, who indicates that she is a "girl" and who perhaps lives in a "cabin", has transferred her penis-desire onto the objects she uses for regular communication with her boyfriends, husband, etc. A classic example of this disorder, I'm sure you'll agree.
  • The penis mightier than the sword.
  • pen is! PEN IS! GODDAM IT
  • GODDAM IT A textbook example of a violent Oedipus complex if there ever was one: the author, Chyren, is obviously planning to kill his father and have sex with his mother.
  • sugarmilktea: And in other news, security *is* tight, but a selection of Chy's handiwork has managed to be placed. I'm just waiting for some chuckles now... So when we no longer hear from you after a few days, to who in Guantanamo should we address your fan letters?
  • Chyren, at first glance I thought that was Cthulhu and thought this explains everything!
  • Image hosted by
  • Ha ha! Snopes! They mention that Bush pere is left handed, as if this has any bearing on the issue! Their bias always shows with shit like this.
  • I love Elftor.
  • I prefer Chytor.
  • Do you think, if we ask nicely, Snopes would put something about Sophia Bush into that undeterminable article?
  • Yes, for even I now find myself even in this position, and desperately require - O hubris' nemesis! - the humble convenience of the water closet! I laughed so hard, I think I may have needed a bathroom break?
  • OK, one more and I'm going back to work. Really. Image hosted by
  • BBC is carrying the story now, which leads to further legitimacy... I traded a couple of Chy's images for handout material from protestors across the street from the UN Secretariat. Quite a sight, all of the protestors! One guy nearly ran me over as he sprinted down the sidewalk waving a "Free Iran" sign. As I walked past an outdoor cafe, I overheard a man ask another, "did you see the picture of Bush's note!?" I conveniently walked up to the table and handed him the last copy I had on me (with the need a line of coke tag). They got a huge laugh out of it...
  • Christ's Balls! This presidential potty peccadillo has been posted on Metafilter 4 times now (1, 2, 3, 4).
  • I think I may need to inform Lord Vader? Is that possible?
  • Do NOT inform Lord Vader. Some things must be kept from Lord Vader. Luke, Leia, bathroom notes... (He's a sensitive guy, and informing him of this will just remind him that he can't go potty without mechanical aid.) And they've changed the link now -- it shows Yushenko instead. Not nearly as funny.
  • Oh dear, my sides ache from laughing. I think I may need a bathroom break? I went through all the Yahoo photos yesterday taken at the UN Summit, to see if the view of Bush's tabletop was shown in any other photo and whether he was holding a yellow pencil. In one or two photos there's a pair of eyeglasses to his right, but mostly you can't tell. I did conclude that GW is right-handed, though, from the picture of him raising a glass. Veronica Mars I ain't.
  • I shall inform Lord Quidtor. We searched the entire ship but the bathroom break was not on board. A chimp-faced president was jettisoned during the fighting but no life forms were aboard.
  • Funny link, rocket. Gracias.
  • Another article on what happened from the Reuters point of view
  • tracicle: in rocket88's link several of the shots show yellow pencils on the table. But one of them also shows Bush holding a pen in his left hand, just to confuse things a little. I will not comment further on my penispencil fixation.
  • I saw that too, cabingirl. I also cannot understand why I'm so fixated on this.
  • I just saw it on TDS, so it's obviously legit.
  • "I also cannot understand why I'm so fixated on this." Unhealthily obsessed with George W Bush's bowels. It's probably a motherhood thing, since he has the brain of an infant.
  • "It looks like you're trying to run a country!" I wish I had photoshop sk11ls.
  • He sounds so cute in Spanish, no wonder Vincente Fox likes him!
  • From the article: Ms. Bumiller says that if President Bush and Ms. Rice can produce a settlement in the Middle East between Israelis and Palestinians and an end to North Korea’s nuclear program, it would give them claims on success that would significantly improve their historical reputations. Today from the BBC: Korea 'failing on nuclear deal' W Bank clash leaves three dead Olmert, Abbas try to revive talks Israel considers new settlement