August 25, 2005

If your child is gay and you chose to celebrate it you may want to order some of these. Gay Merit Badges! via BoingBoing.
  • Great post Patita. The "Flaming Faggots" badge had me in stiches, though the ""Fag Stag" wasnt bad either. My wife and I have a gay couple among our friends, and I can't wait to show them! "Flaming Faggots" indeed !!!! Greybeard
  • We don't need no stinkin...
  • We don't need no stinkin... What, Thursday? Badges??? Greybeard
  • You might need " HOMOCIL " too.
  • I saw those earlier and snorted with laughter, alerting my co-workers that I was not actually working. Drat. Greybeard
  • I mean, don't you have to do something special to get a merit badge? Some sort of special accomplishment?
  • chimaera, I think it has something to do with flower arrangement, Greco-Roman wrestling and gladiator films, but I can't be certain.
  • Those, too.
  • I'd love to see what sort of sash these would go on! and welcome greybeard! glad you could join us monkeys in merriment. Our comment system signs posts for you (unlike other systems) :)
  • Whose sock puppet is greybeard?
  • I cannot imagine my child being gay. Or especially a greybeard, one of those subversive sex perverts.
  • Why is there no badge for pitching a tent?
  • Do you really have to be queer to pitch a tent?
  • What about a badge for raising small livestock? You know, members of the order Rodentia.
  • I don't think he's a sockpuppet. I think he's a real fellow, greybeard.
  • I think they should have something like the Hipster Scouts sash (click to enlarge).