August 23, 2005

Database of cat names. Plus a random cat name generator, in case you're too lazy to come up with your own.

I was 'Lord Nelson', strangely enough.

  • 'Beeman'. Meh. I'll go with my previous pick of 'Schroedinger', thanks.
  • I'm afraid this only feeds the sick tendencies of those without the decency to keep a dog like normal people do, kit. Shame on you for posting it. Yours sincerely, Licorice
  • I saw a couple dog names in there.
  • "Buggeara." Either from the Jungle Book, or a rather rude dictionary.
  • A name guaranteed to make everone hate you: Felimare. The other cats are gonna kick. your. booty.
  • I got Bing Clawsby. *sigh*
  • A name guaranteed to make everone hate you: Felimare. I'm more of a dog person, yes.
  • Oh dear. I got: Fellow "Airhead" Trouble Evil.
  • "Solo" Not bad for a cat! On my second try I got "Marmaduke!" Yikes, isn't that a dog?
  • My two favorite cat names are "Loki" and "Kali" -- both of which are evil-ish gods of their respective (Norse & Indian) mythologies, but both of which are really cute cat names. Kali is a calico cat, but I swear I wasn't thinking that when I named her. Isn't she cute?? (..if a bit scruffy -- that was the day she showed up on my doorstep!)
  • My cat's name is Lukas. Imagine my surprise when a friend named their kid Lukas a few years later. They claim it was a coincidence...
  • My brother had a very mischievous dog named Loki. I've never had a problem coming up with names for my pets, but then again I had a cat named Wookiee so maybe I should ask for help next time.
  • Got 'Monkey Face'... Oh sure, I can imagine it: 'Here, Monkey Face, here, come for your catnip...' Surely I'd end up calling it 'Monkey'. It would grow confused, and mocked by other cats. Finally, one day, it would sneak stealthily to my bedroom and attack me while asleep. 'Yes, he was a weird person, a loner, yelled at kids and called his cat 'Monkey'. No wonder he ended up chewed by it...'
  • Bah! I had to hit the generator six times before I was able to piece together a decent name: Pugsley Casper McRumples Now THAT'S a name!
  • Flagpole - maybe you could call it MF?
  • I only give my cats distinguished-sounding, or at least normal human names. I disapprove of names like 'tibbles' etc for cats (however, not for humans). Most of my cats have been called things like Boris, Conrad, Mr Bentley Denton, Charlie, etc.
  • Nicky. That's it. That's all I got. I hit the button in desperate anticipation, thinking "this is it, now I'll get the cat-name I've always dreamed of..." and all I get is Nicky. A cat or a tired stripper.
  • p.s. my cats at home: Tammy and Neko. Two distinguished old ladies.
  • mare = good name (and, I think, related to my own!) Felimare = silly name, for a kitty with ribbons and lace and a crystal dish you clink a spoon on like in the Fancy Feast commercials.
  • Monkeyfilter: A cat or a tired stripper
  • A girl who once babysat me named her longhaired orange tabby Gordon Shumway. Get it? It's a cat. Named Gor...oh, nevermind.
  • Jenny "T.L." Hurpeez
  • A cat will generally prefer to die before divulging its true name to anyone else. The reason for this it that if you use a cat's true name, then it MUST obey. Otherwise all bets are off on that score. The name(s) a person chooses to give a cat has/have no real power over the cat. The only way to ascertain the true name of a cat is to dream it for consecutive three nights.
  • Then my cats' names must be 'Kiera' and Knightly'... Weird.
  • Indeed. Because everyone knows Kiera Knightly is a fox... I's gots nuthin'. Sorry.
  • beeswacky - isn't it true that if you know anything's real name, you have power over it? My roommate's cat is named Samwise. She looked like a Samwise, a bit young and naive, but adventurous and maybe even able to carry you to the top of Mt Doom. But her boyfriend's cat is named Tree. That's just so cool.
  • jb, my understanding is that if you know anything's True Name -- and say it aloud -- you cause one of it to manifest in the Real World. Except for cats, and certain creeping and crawling creatures, all of which manifest on their own quite well without the assistance of Informed Mages. ;]