August 09, 2005

Peekaboom I know... I've posted already today.. but this is just too cool. Bascially, help a coupla algorithims learn hor to recognize things by "sight." You switch back and forth with a player a la a visual 25,000 Pyramid... and you reveal the portion of the picture that the site wants your partner to guess... i.e. Picture of a park... site wants "tree" so you reveal a tree. The only interaction is a noun/verb, related noun verb hint, and a hot or cold... This is just incredible..! Via BoingBoing...
  • Oh crap this is so fun. Gottas get back to it.
  • Sometime the picture is upside, the jerks.
  • I don't understand the bonus round.
  • You click on what it says, and you get points for each click. So if it says "orange ball" and somewhere in the picture is an orange ball, click on it like mad.
  • But it has a specific picture it tells you to look for, and to pass if it isn't there, but you get points for clicking anyways.
  • I love the improvised communication that goes with this. Like making an answer flash hot when it needs to be pluralized, or changing answers from hot to cold to get their attention. Some people are dense, but some pick up on your clues right away.
  • Yes, the bonus is a bit wonky. I was amazed at how the quality of your partner determined the quality of the experience. now I wonder if I was one of your dense partners, Mr. K--I saw someone do the flashing on the hot and cold and thought, "wow, didn't know you could do that!"
  • heh patita. Yeah, it's really fun when both you and your partner are red hot. There's already one's so hard that I used to skip, but now don't. I can't believe I guessed "hold" right. It sucks that there's something wrong with my mouse driver. It spends about 2 seconds working, 2 not working. So people keep waiting for me to click, when I can't.
  • ouch, this is a mouse-heavy game, too. I can't get my space key to work in the answers. My best partner interaction has been: baloon ballon grr followed by the correct answer :)
  • Wah. Won't load. "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/net/SocketAddress" =(
  • patita, no answer has a space in it. The space key has been disabled.
  • aha! now I feel simultaneously more and less dumb!
  • it wants the newest java, scartol.
  • I heart peakaboom...
  • peekaboom, rather...
  • I worry that I'm teaching some spammer's robot how to read jpg text that's used to keep spammers from posting spam. I also keep getting paired up with complete idiots, some of which don't even click on the screen, they just mark hot and cold on your words until you spell out to them that they need to click on the fucking screen. But I can't stop playing.
  • omg this is addictive.... the orange ball has me curious...sometimes you see a robot with it..... what's with the robot?
  • I think the orange ball and robot pics are frames from Robocup.
  • I'm pretty sure, without reading any directions, that the bonus round is cooperative. You get higher points based on whether you and your pard click in the same/similar spot. Also, seems like the game had a pretty small set puzzle words; I kept seeing the same ones over and over. (men, women, airplane, starfish, drawing, diagram, lake, etc).
  • I think were training the robot to be able to recognize the orange ball. Which will probably be the doom of us all.
  • MRKNICKERBOC is ranked 4th on the front page for today's best. )))
  • I can't seem to connect to the server. :(
  • It's cause I can't stop playing.
  • This is both very fun and very frustrating. I apologize to anyone I end up playing against for I'm not very good at guessing the words.
  • snow, Just keep guessing. Your partner can help when you guess, by selecting hot and cold. I had one dummy spend two minutes totally silent, not geussing a single time. I thought they had quit playing. I had the complete picture showing, just a one letter answer, and the picture was just of that letter. It could not have been easier. After two minutes they typed out "idontknow"!!! RAARGH!! Just guess once dammit!
  • I had a partner who revealed the image dot... by dot. Click (pause) click... agh! I suspected it was a bot. I felt horrible for the partner who couldn't spell leopard (kept leaving out the o or doubling the p). I had the same sort of trouble with dalmatian!
  • I can't seem to connect to the server. :( Me too *sigh* (perhaps an issue with 'ze corporate firewall?)
  • SMT - I think you're right. I was able to play at home last night with no problem.
  • I had a partner who revealed the image dot... by dot. Click (pause) click... agh! I suspected it was a bot. Happened to me, so I told them they sucked, they said "isbroken" so I assume there was some lag or other problem.
  • My mouseclicking finger is numb now. Damn orange balls!
  • I felt horrible for the partner who couldn't spell leopard (kept leaving out the o or doubling the p). I had the same sort of trouble with dalmatian! It took me like a minute and a half to spell accordion the first time. I like when I get partners who tough it out through hard ones. Like one word was "gun" but the picture showed no guns or any other weapons, just an army guy. Another word was "hot" and the picture showed a lady in a bikini. (We got the first, not the second)
  • Great fun - thanks Debaser626!
  • They also have another (which I prefer to PeekABoom as there's less manic clicking) As a note, in my opinion, I think that this has nothing to do with "teaching" algorithms... Knowing a bit about the university that is running these "games" I think it's a psychological study in random pairings, and how people work together when they are unable to communicate properly.... just my opinion, though...
  • I see someone is a high-scorer (^_^)
  • click here, rather I liked it at first, but lost interest because there is no way to tell your partner they suck.
  • techsmith, there is. Just wait till it's your turn to guess, and instead of guessing just type "yousuck".
  • (I think techsmith was referring to the esp game.... your partner will never see what you're typing...)
  • Ah, I see. Yes, I'm sure that on my first few games, my partner really wanted to tell me I sucked, because I did.
  • your partner will never see what you're typing... Right up until we matched on "yousuck".