July 18, 2005

Teletext porn For those times that C64 porn just isn't lo-fi enough

(a previous teletext post)

  • NSFW!!!
  • sorry
  • No, dng, I'm sorry. It wasn't necessary to point out NSFW -- I just wanted to be the first jackass to point it out. And I was. It's a colder, hollower feeling than I'd imagined... not at all what I expected.
  • But good post, btw. I especially like the job they did on those red garters. But what's the bowling ball about? Do I want to know?
  • Technologically speaking, the next step down from this is where you enter '5318008' into your calculator and then turn it upside-down...
  • Minimally bonerizing. How anyone could lay down a decent spank to this stuff is beyond me.
  • Obviously, Doctor, you've never been a 13 year old [boy]....
  • "Gay-lite in your eyes"? (third frame from bottom, right side)
  • lay down a decent spank to this stuff Come on, you never got friendly with the Sears catalog lingerie section? Anything dubiously sexual is golden to a 13 year old boy! I remember on of my ex-girlfriend's dads asking me to show him how to get pr0n on the intarweb!
  • Hör mich kommen! Damn this is t3h hawt!
  • How anyone could lay down a decent spank to this stuff is beyond me. Ah, spoiled kids today, with your explicit sex scenes hidden in 3D games. Back in the day, before the interweb, we had to make do with anything that moved, blinked or suggested a jaggy, aliased curve. *grumble grumble* *retch* *spit*
  • hell, i remember when one of the local UHF channels around Boston (27 i believe it was) began broadcasting latenight scrambled porn that was supposed to be unwatchable, without the proper decoder box... yet my nascent libido had a veritable field day with the psychedelic visual non sequiturs the encoded video provided. moral of the story, when there's a will to wank, there's a way to facilitate it.
  • "Gay-lite in your eyes"? Heh. It's like Engrish, only in German.
  • my nascent libido had a veritable field day with the psychedelic visual non sequiturs the encoded video provided I see work is progressing well on your Philip Roth/William Gibson literary mashup project, es el Queso...
  • hell, i remember being a 13-year-old boy. a hole in the carpet or a leaf brushing the window contained enough erotic charge to cause problems... dammit, why did those days have to end..?
  • Technologically speaking, the next step down from this is where you enter '5318008' into your calculator and then turn it upside-down... i think you skipped a step... ascii porn *then* 5318008! yet my nascent libido had a veritable field day with the psychedelic visual non sequiturs the encoded video provided. ah yes, scrambled soft core porn. desperately willing the couples to go just a *little* further, the screen to stay still for just a *second* longer... those were the days!
  • Ahh... the magic moments where the vertical and horizontal sync would come into conjunction and deliver 3.2 seconds of clear T&A... then the psychedelic rolling and distortion returns. The 13-year olds have it WAY too easy these days.
  • Flashback of that n-th generation Beta tape, obtained under agonizing circumstances by horny teenager (*cough*), showing some muddy, rolling, dropout-laden porno scenes for a few minutes, before jamming and almost destroying family VCR. Yes. Kids today have it real easy.
  • Oh god I wish I had a girlfriend.
  • Monkeyfilter: Minimally bonerising