June 01, 2005

Manitoba Bigfoot II > back in furs. The somewhat disappointing Manitoba Bigfoot video has gained a sequel in a second sighting in the same area. Footprints found, hair recovered. With pix.

Even though the Manitoba video shows something way taller than a man (established by comparisons of people next to background objects), it was dismissed because it was so dismally blurry. However, secondary evidence recovered from the site, and from this sighting, possibly lends more credence to it.

  • W00t!!
  • I was attacked by something huge, hairy and smelly the other night, but it turns out it was just my husband. just kidding he's bald
  • Awwwright!! You go, Bigfeet! And to add to the wonderment, Cherie Currie, one-time Runaway now known as Chainsaw Chick, was on the expedition team! So how could any mythical bi-ped resist?
  • Yyyyeeeeaaah, sure. I think those pranksters need to be a little more subtle with their spade.
  • Lissen, I've got room in my world-view for all manner of extraterrestrials, survivals from the age of dinosaurs, undiscovered primates living in my rafterspace and leaving the seat up when they sneak out at night to use the john, and anything else you can dream up. I do NOT, however, want to see more film of an ambling fuzzy spot advanced as evidence of anydamnthing. I can go to Google maps and see satellite pictures of my house taken from eight miles up in which the frisbees that are stuck on my roof are clearly visible. Anybody on G*d's green earth can go outside with a camcorder and shoot perfectly legible footage of any critter, cryptozoological in nature or not, that happens to be reflecting nearby light. So if anybody who's got a picture of Bigfoot that looks like a Rorschach test could henceforward keep it to himself, I think that'd be just dandy.
  • Thank god they put that stick next to the footprint.
  • That's right.. otherwise.. er..
  • Can you imagine the tinfoil hat conspiracy heyday that would sweep the world for the next decade if they actually found a bigfoot? Generally sensible but suspicious people everywhere would suddenly be seeing little green men, JFK assassins and black helicopters everywhere. You'd be able to convince a good proportion of the public of anything just by pointing to poor bigfoot in his cage.
  • Yeah, next we'll find out who deep throat was!
  • Are you suggesting that Deep Throat was a bigfoot? Deep Foot... I like it.
  • I'm from Manitoba, I have big feet, and I deeply resent this thread. And the naked footage. Can't a man lumber around in the woods in peace?!
  • No.
  • But can't this be true? Didn't even the Mounties report on it? Why not entertain the idea of a big creature whose lands we're destroying. Why can't something smarter and stinkier than us be out there, lumbering through the soon-to-be-burnt underbrush, living in the last wilds on the planet? I guess I hold onto my belief in them because I secretly wish they could save my faith, and maybe even our existence.
  • I'll entertain the idea. I'm quite serious about having room for bigfoots (bigfeet?) in my view of the world. Rule of thumb: the stuff we do not know would fill an ocean, and the stuff we do know fits easily in our rowboat. As far as I'm concerned, people who think they know for certain that there AREN'T any bigfoots are as nuts as people who think they know for certain that there ARE. That said- no more blurry videos, please. They make people who want to leave open all possible possibilities look like a bunch of credulous dolts.
  • I agree, but it's any port in a storm here. Species evade disovery despite our best efforts. For god sakes, people believe in inelligent design; why not believe in intelligent evasion? I agree about the inconclusive evidence. I feel the same about UFOs. But in a perverse way it's fun to think that someone smarter than us is gaming us, that's all.
  • >For god sakes, people believe in inelligent design; I think that's spelled 'inelegant'. And yes, we are living proof of inelegant design...
  • I'm going to ask one more time, nicely. Please leave us alone.
  • Hey, Rorshach, you still living in MB? And is your real name Walter Kovacs?
  • Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says the treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up. The man bursts into tears. "But doctor . . . I am Pagliacci."
  • Ah, a fellow Winterpegger. My home town. We used to wrestle sasquatch for fun.
  • Hurm. Been here 5 years, feel like I'm becoming Sasquatch. Soon, rampage.
  • Sounds like you need an unregistered weapon and an all-expenses-paid trip to Montreal.
  • Sasquatch does not rampage. Only man does this.
  • Woman, also.
  • I was truly looking for guidance here, and you all have let me down. Please live at once with the consequenses. That is all, from my death-be
  • P.s rorschach: What's your problem? Do you not believe? Or do you just want to be a poophead?
  • Hey? Just sharing an inside joke with Koko. Sure, it's possible. Far moreso than UFO's of the alien persuasion, I would say. Though some hard evidence would be nice.