February 05, 2004

Woman strikes oil in her toilet. Not sure if this will affect efforts to drill in ANWR, though.
  • The toilets, it would seem, are revolting. I'm worried. What will we do once they turn against us? We have oppressed them for too long, and they're not going to take this kind of shit any more...
  • Oppressed proletoilet workers unite!
  • that toilet sure is revolting. ugh.
  • Why do they want to drill for oil in ANWR SADT?
  • i once had a car named anwar. anwar the car.
  • Uplifting toilet tales. What's next?
  • ANWR SADT Arrgghh, misplaced the link to the Valentine's Day candy heart maker. Oh, yes, here it is.
  • I can't believe she's staying in a hotel. If my home were covered in oil I would see it as a perfect time to strip naked and slide around making penguin noises.
  • I love you for saying that. Especially the bit about penguin noises. I mean, we were all thinking it, yeah?