May 22, 2005

Das Keyboard - It's the wild colour scheme that freaks me. Every time you try to operate one of these weird black controls that are labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to let you know you've done it. snarfled from Cynical-C
  • None more black - nor more 1337! Fujitsu make a small-outline keyboard with blank key tops (see also the high-resolution photo).
  • I Grok your username.
  • The keyboard also features three Windows application keys. Admittedly I am a Mac guy, but do you really need three? I've never used the second Cmd key on my iBook (or the second Alt, Ctrl, or Shift on other keyboards) unless I'm mapping them for a game.
  • I suffer from multimegalapolydactyly so I need all the fucking extra keys I can get. GOSH.
  • I'd want one... if it wasn't $80 frigging dollars. Otherwise, I have a black keyboard already. A bit of work with a $1 bottle of nail polish and I've got this done.
  • I"m usimg pne of thwsw keyvoatds tight niw!!~! Ut wirks awesime and I'n learmimg to ty[e so mich fasr!
  • This would be an awesome present for beeswacky!
  • Bees needs a multi-colored sparkly one. At first I was intrigued, but when I started using it two things happened: it was a joy to type and my collegues looked at me like I was a superhero! Wrong. That was the look collegues give to superassholes. "If you are going to get one: get two! One for you and one for your best friend! meh
  • I see it has labels for the Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock lights. Sorry, not elite enough me. Yeah, surrrrre. I need the Space Bar labelled, for crapsake.
  • I prefer using my Atari Mindlink. It's the l33t3st.
  • Bwa ha ha! Headbands! FAME! I'm gonna live forreeeevaahh... etc
  • If I want a keyboard without letters written on them, there's always wite-out.
  • wite-out on the keys, not the screen, that is
  • this would also be lame for gaming - there are different sets of key weights, depending on the finger strength of the finger that hits the keys. awesome for typing. bad for wasd controlled games...
  • neither black on black nor black on yellow would soot a fellow whose typing's slack half so well as pollon yellow laid on black such are the natty colours some bees wear as they bumble everywhere
  • Did someone say gamer's keyboard?
  • No one spotted the quote yet. Drat.
  • What, the Adams quote? Didn't seem worth pointing out... (Still funny though, thanks!)
  • Oh, well that's good, then. :)
  • Chyren thinks he's being ignored... Everybody just wants a little recognition and loooooove.
  • YEah I needed a pat.
  • I noticed, thought it was cool, but not worth commenting on. =)
  • I still haven't noticed it. Or if I have noticed it, I haven't realized it yet. Matter of fact, I don't even know if we're talking about the same thing.