May 21, 2005

Revenge of the Weird Animal News - A Red Panda in a Tokyo zoo has learned to stand up when "it sees something interesting" and then.. continues to stand. As you do. Yes, that really is a panda and not a guy in a suit. In other news, a goddam Rhino and a freaking goat have become fast friends at a South African game park. Gosh. Finally, Whale Sharks are shrinking.
  • OK, that thing is cute way beyond what should ever be legal. Especially the way it looks like it's wearing an outfit.
  • It looks like there's a zipper down the front.
  • Oh my god. It looks like those Sanrio-style cutey-pie animals. Must...have...Futa....
  • Nonsense! It'd be pushing up the daisies, if they hadn't nailed it to the perch. slapdown in 3... 2... 1...
  • Maybe they know something we don`t know?
  • Goats are actually very friendly beasts, and have traditionally been used as companion animals for tetchy creatures like racehorses, from which, I believe, comes the expression 'get your goat'; the idea being that a racehorse whose goat has been nefariously spirited away will be too upset to race properly. Know how to tell if a goat loves you? It'll burp up its cud in your face, meaning y'all are so down that the goat is comfy hanging out close to you, and can indulge in having a relaxed chaw. Kind of like chilling out with a joint, I expect.
  • Clever Futa stands erect as a peg thrust into earth and peers about for all he's worth
  • A nanny goat does goat eructation A billy goat does goat erection Both these goats look for affection I figured this with goat deduction
  • Bok-bok's in love with a rhino but I can't feel this tie is final since he's so outweighed by Clover someday their honeymoon must be over
  • Aww, BlueHorse and beeswacky. I was just going to go with the old standard "Clover and Bok-bok, sitting in a tree..." line, but you've both completely outclassed me!
  • The goat-rhino thing reminds me of this this site, whose address I had forgotten for a while, but which is chock-a-block with cutesy animal pairings.
  • Cutesy animal pairings! Toey, I am so appalled. How can you condone this type of interspecies perversion? Next thing we'll be thinking a necrophiliac duck is the kind of pet we want our children to have. For the sake of the children, put pants on that animals!
  • Hmm, a necrophiliac duck, eh? Someone with such a pet could put together an act that would make a fortune on the cabaret circuit.
  • I would not pay a nickel to see a duck fuck. Those who try to sell me tickets will be outta luck.
  • The cat is male. The monkey is female. By her expression, you can tell she is deeply in love. The cat just wants a beer and the remote.
  • bees, I am *shocked*.
  • tick, I am *skeptical*.
  • Goats Trotting through the dusk on that deserted country lane, a sight I'd never seen before - nor never will again As if by magic there suddenly appeared a host of hairy goats, unusual and weird. The big orange leader inspected his troops, made them form lines, sorted them in groups. Marched up and down like a sergeant at roll-call I'd swear on my life he inspected them all. A fat multi-coloured chap with horns that curled round. A scrawny old bill with a beard down to the ground. A milk laden nanny, two kids close behind bickering and snickering (they had an axe to grind). Elegant twins with hooves painted pink and roses twined around their ears (at least that's what I think). They came in their fives and they came in their tens, they stretched so far along the road, I couldn't see the end. So where were they headed, this brightly coloured throng? Straight past me and towards the pub that I'd just staggered from! Copyright; Kathleen Thorpe
  • )))!!!
  • Down from the hills they run goats intent on having fun, they eat the thatch right off the roof, and drink whiskey that is eighty-proof! Aye, they jump onto the haystacks and dance along stone walls, these rascals never give a hoot when an angry owner calls!
  • I love goats. (not carnally, of course) I had a mate with a goat - he painted the fella's horns silver. Twas a nice look. The goat merely weed upon his nose and went back to eating bits and bobs.
  • Jack Prelutsky excerpts Eleven yellow monkeys in purple pantaloons went to western Oregon to play upon the dunes... **** ...Four fat goats upon a boat sailed south from Newport News, and there the four ate clothes galore, they swallowed socks and shoes. They chewed on boots, on shirts, on suits, they shared a sweater vest, a dozen coats went down those goats before they reached Key West...
  • No, really, though, why do billy goats piss on their own snouts? I've seen several do it.
  • It's to make themselves smell pretty to the ladies and show the boy goats how bad-ass they are. Seriously.
  • When I wee upon my nose it's not as odd as you'd suppose nor is it due to diet, it gets the gals and imprsesses my pals -- don't knock it till ye try it!
  • = impresses *sigh*
  • Federal: Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Signed Into Law! H.R. 4239, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), is a bill that could make it a crime punishable by imprisonment to cause any business classified as an "animal enterprise" to suffer a loss of profit—even if the company's financial decline is the result of legal activities, such as peaceful protests, consumer boycotts or media campaigns. The term “animal enterprise” would include manufacturers, distributors and sellers of animals or animal products, research facilities, pet stores, breeders, zoos, rodeos, circuses, and animal shelters and the like. This Congress is so far up their own assholes I can't fucking stand it.
  • Insane and very probably illegal. Means one could conceivably become a criminal by simply not buying a dog leash or cat scratching post from a business, if I'm skimming this correctly.
  • So if I'm reading that right, cosmetics manufacturers, like the kind that spray deodorant into dogs' eyes to see what happens, are now free to operate without even peaceful protests? Just as an example, and probably a straw man at that. When exactly are the Democrats going to come in and save the day?
  • More on the AETA. When exactly are the Democrats going to come in and save the day? I don't think they care.
  • Arrrrrgh.
  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) is quite pleased with it. I always knew those weird PETA guys had to be up to no good. Damn hippies.
  • I also posted some related material on MeFi recently, but many people were just uninterested.
  • Once again I finally find a thread and a link to put in it to find my cake has been long since eaten by that most resourceful of uniform locators, the Hippocrates of the hyperlink, the Baron of the blogosphere, that Sultan of skim - H-dogg! And also i'm going to eschew my links to The Wilhelm Scream and that study supporting single-meteor impact theory of dinosaur extinction to FPP this. If that stingy Mr. Trycicle wasn't so mean about the one-per-day rule, we might all have a fine fat goose for Chrsitmas day!
  • Rare, freaky-looking deep-sea shark seen This is exactly why marine life in dreams represents the subconscious. Look at that. That's just messed up. But as ol' Steve Irwin would've said, "Look at her! Wotta beauty!!"
  • Ah. Poor sharky.
  • As I was looking at that amazing picture, the chorus of the song I'm listening to came on: "what's that coming over the hill, is it a monster?" I'd say, most likely yes.
  • Are you trying to seduce me with sqeeeeee?
  • Instant diabetic coma