May 13, 2005

Qwert Schmarble! Normally I'd think twice about posting something like this, but since it's anything goes day around here, I present the Qwert Schmarble! (seriously, I can't believe that this hasn't been posted before, but there's no trace of it anywhere!)

From the reviews: Having been burned by cebsqa products in the past (and I have yet to receive a refund for the defective Qwert bingle), I was skeptical of all the hype surrounding the Qwert shmarble. But having just won $359.99 on a suspicious-looking scratch-off ticket, I decided to see for myself. It turned out to be ten of the most pleasantly surprising pounds I've ever received in the mail. The twenty pounds of styrofoam peanuts caused some inconvenience, but that was soon forgotten. It is a definite upgrade. I'd give the Qwert shmarble a higher rating, but found it somewhat daunting at first. Prospective buyers should keep in mind that even a Qwert bingle can be dangerous in inexperienced hands (and I have the scars to prove it).

  • I'm considering to put my Qwert dingle up for bid on ebay. I'll offer first dibs to my fellow monkeys... any takers??
  • It's not anything goes day.
  • i don't know why you people love qwert shmarble, and i hate to be the naysayer, but seriously, qwert bingle is better. not only is it more rich and creamy, but the philosophical issues are actually addressed in a logical way.
  • I think Amazon has finally taken down the qwert shmarble page. This makes me sad. I live alone in a shmarbleless world. Woe is me.
  • On the other hand, the bulldozer, the chocolate-dipped pork rinds and the elk carcass are still there, so maybe the universe is not so uncaring as all that.