April 28, 2005

Jon Stewart Applies the Smackdown Again This time to hapless CNN "anchors". Will termination ensue? Hopeful fans await. [Quicktime .mov]

The clip is centered on various news about Gay legislation, pro & con. The smackdown's in the middle of the clip.

  • The last couple of nights, Jon has really called anchors out on their lack of comment on anything. He's actually come out and said "are you ANCHORS?!" Been very refreshing :o) your linkie is brokie
  • Worked for me. I thought the ending with the Microsoft Word paperclip was the best part.
  • Second what grover96 said...
  • In a related story, Bush to hold biennial press conference. Now we'll get a chance to watch our journalistic superstar defenders of truth shine. Or wiggle ineffectually like the spinless bootlicking worthless jello stains they truly, truly are. hmm . .link works for me - is it a firefox / IE thing?
  • I really admire Stewart's optimism. Unfortunately, it's all but clear that he's pissing in the wind.
  • I don't think he's very optimistic anymore, fuyu. Can't remember the exact episode, or the contents, but it was obvious he was trying very, very hard to find something good about his story (Bush/Administration related). Then he started banging his head on his desk. Weird. It still doesn't work for me - "Object Not Found". But we're having bad computer problems that will most likely result in a new server, so it's probably me
  • Try this: http://www.comedycentral.com/mp/browsevideos.jhtml?s=ds and click on #4.
  • Even more direct here. This one one of his best call-outs yet.
  • It's probably not going to change the course of mighty rivers or nuthin', but it's nice to know that somebody said that on television.
  • Guys guys... please slow the monkey posting down! I have to work!!
  • Link worked for me too. Very funny, but let me opine that it's not a smackdown until he is actually in the same studio with them. Because a) the anchors can ignore his comments and get away with it as b) most of the people watching their stuff won't see Daily Show.
  • Thank you, moonbird! Yeah, I watched this one (and it's the one I mentioned above), and nearly turned it off. Texas?! Of course the lawmakers there are telling gays & bisexuals they can't do anything, it's TEXAS. They'd rather have abusive alcolholic shits, or narrow-minded, ignorant evangelicals (sp?), or money-obsessed bigots raising the kids than homosexuals or bisexuals, for fear that said kids might actually be raised with OPEN MINDS. Sorry about the shouting. This really pisses me off. Perhaps it's time to take a break from the politics...
  • there there minda25 . . there there . . .
  • Try living here. Better yet, don't.
  • I just love the "raise them gay" argument. So then did the parents of gays raise them gay? Why aren't the parents of gays being prevented from having more kids then?
  • I weep.
  • And yet, strangely, my opinion of Texas remains unchanged. opinion being that there are some really nice people who live there, Austin is cool and the whole Waco thing was way out of line on the ATF's part, plus they tend to elect some shifty neocon politicians. and I blame them for Bush, offset slightly in thanks for Buddy Holly.
  • Thanks, petebest. I feel better now. This is really just so much ignorance and prejudice thinly disguised as concern. The cool thing is that we're moving nearer, I think, to being a more open society - why would the gay-haters be attacking gays in this manner if they weren't afraid of them becoming regular members of society? It hit me recently that American society has never been open to gays. Ever. And now, all of a sudden (to the gay-haters), we want equal rights for gays! So, yeah, they'll fight, just like racists fought against desegregation. We just have to be patient (with the exception of the occasional freak-out), and in a few decades, gays will truly have equal rights. I hope.
  • my thanks was in response to your virtual hug up there, not a sarcastic remark about your "opinion of Texas". But you do have a good point there.
  • texas gave us stevie ray vaughn and zz top, so c'mon it's not that bad. sure they hate gay people, but which state doesn't? maybe two. plus king of the hill had a good streak for awhile.
  • fair enough.
  • It is a proven fact from a professional, extensive study done out of Illinois that all Monkeys are homosexual homicidal pyronecropedophiliacs. Thank you... come again! And Chyren... I sincerely doubt any of these two idiot anchors would agree to discourse with John Stewart.... If it ain't on the teleprompter they're lost... Just look at how foolish he made that Crossfire dillhole look.
  • So in reading the above article it looks like the abuse is same sex, but are those people homosexuals? It's like saying that half our nations prison population is gay because of the man/man woman/woman rape that happens between inmates. Sick fucks are sick fucks and this study only proves that the state of Illinois needs to be a better job of screening out pedophiles.
  • Then the ideal foster parent for a child should be an opposite sex gay couple. Very little risk of abuse there, right?
  • homosexual abuse is disproportionate to their percentage in the general population. Note that the study states "homosexual abuse" not "abuse by homosexuals". This study has made no findings regarding abuse by parents in same sex relationships. The "homesexual" aspect of this pedophilia is irrelevant in terms of normal sexual orientation. The study simply shows that male pedophiles tend to molest male children, not that male homosexuals molest male children any more than it is showing that male heterosexuals tend to molest male children. It is the tendency of the christian right to lump homosexuals and pedophiles into the same class of criminal sexuality. This study says "Oh look! Male abusers are molesting male children, this must be because they are gay!" when in fact they are not. They are pedophiles, which involves an intrisically different behavior.
  • Last night's was even better, with the Bush speech on technology and then the power going off and the CNN reporter just blithely continuing on. Jon's been a little bit narky this week. It's quite fun to watch. Although his comment on the Texas law was brilliant - it's not like it's incredibly hard to find foster parents, and it's not like growing up in foster care or a group home doesn't fuck a kid up. But who cares? Better to leave them there than to expose them to TEH GAY.
  • texas gave us stevie ray vaughn and zz top, so c'mon it's not that bad. sure they hate gay people, but which state doesn't? maybe two. plus king of the hill had a good streak for awhile. You know, I heard the trains were always on time in germany circa 1940. That musta been nice.
  • Proportionality of the incidence of abuse compared to the proportion of the homosexuals in the general population is an incorrect metric to use. The incidence of abuse needs to be compared to the proportion of homosexual parents who adopt in order to be meaningful. They're comparing apples to kumquats. Seconded on the callout for parental abuse of a homosexual nature vs. abuse by homosexual parents.
  • And after reading the posts on the study, I don't think I like that freerepublic.
  • The conclusions of this study are akin to a study finding that male on female rape is an attack of a "heterosexual nature." How shocking! Heterosexual men should be monitored at all times since they "disproportionately" engage in rape!
  • The incidence of abuse needs to be compared to the proportion of homosexual parents who adopt in order to be meaningful. ... or the incidence of abuse from singles vs. from couples who don't adopt to those that do?
  • The article's thesis and the supposed "correlation" it's based on are both vacuous.
  • My original point, if I had one, was akin to ooga_booga's. My guess would be that most of the male abusers would be typically classified as heterosexual (married to a woman, claims to be heterosexual, etc), and also that occurrences of homosexual abuse would actually be less likely from same sex foster parents. But then, none of this is really relevant. grover96 said it best: "the state of Illinois needs to do a better job of screening out pedophiles."
  • Stewart was right on with his comments, but CNN anchor Kyra Phillips is still totally hot.
  • apples to kumquats heh. Kyra Phillips is still totally hot No argument here vis-a-vis teh h4wt - but an anchor's looks are just far, far too important to news producers. No wonder the days of Uncle Walter-style journalism are long gone.
  • Why are straight people so afraid of the homosexual agenda?? My sister is homosexual and here's her agenda: 6:30 AM - Get out of bed 8:00 AM - Get the kids off to school 8:30 AM - Arrive at work 12:30 PM - Lunch etc. etc. No corruption of innocent Christian children. No acting in gay porn.
  • You know, I heard the trains were always on time in germany circa 1940. That musta been nice. i hear ya man. fucking redneck homophobes that make up the whole state of texas. they are so much dumber than us enlightened new englanders. let's look down on them and act snide until they learn to be perfect like us. that way we can pretend to be better than them and ignore our own state's shit. i wish i lived in europe, the people there are so much better. --- texas sucks equally as much as every other state.
  • Er, I thought Freen was talking about King of the Hill, not Texas.
  • Uh, guys? I live in Texas - hell, I was born here. Some of us are just as appalled as you are, perhaps moreso because we have to live with this stupid legislature. On the other hand, there's not much we can do about it, since stupid conservatism is in the majority here. Just saying, have a care when you try to lump us all together. Some of us lumps aren't in agreement with the other lumps.
  • texas sucks equally as much as every other state. MMmmmyes and no. However, I think we are dangerously close to messing with Texas, and I think that's one thing we're supposed to don't. Besides, it's a bit of a derail. I want another Stewart-get-pinhead-"journalist"-fired.
  • I have to say this... How can one man be so articulate, so withering in his criticisms of dipshits, and...and! So hot...so very, very hot.
  • Y'all hate Texas, but we have the only reliable Kinkos.
  • For the record (you DO realize this is all going on your Permanent Record...), while I certainly enjoyed the clip, I think this is just Stewart as usual -- he wasn't on somebody else's show calling them out or anything. This is more of the same thing he's been doing to great effect for years, although he does seem a bit more, um, *frustrated* than usual.
  • Hey Petebest - Moneyjane thinks you're hot.
  • Heh. I thought she was talking about drivingmenuts.
  • Last night's was even better, with the Bush speech on technology and then the power going off and the CNN reporter just blithely continuing on. Jon's been a little bit narky this week. Yeah, that was great. "Is CNN an irony-free zone?" As a Texas-dweller I fully support Texas-bashing in all arenas save cuisine. Yeah, that's right: you Tex-Mex bashers out there can stick it. But other than that, Texas does suck more than New England, it's true.
  • Monkeyfilter: Some of us lumps aren't in agreement with the other lumps
  • On the plus side, the stars at night are big and bright [clap clap clap clap] Am I the only one who misses Jon Stewart the comedian, who was interested in being funny? the Jon Stewart show on ABC circa early 90s was really good.
  • Yes, the "non-threatening" Jon Stewart of ABC was funny but this one is new and improved - funnier with less tooth-rotting sugar.
  • John Stewart is incapable of not being funny, drjimmy11, he's Jewish. Duh.
  • John Stewart is incapable of not being funny, drjimmy11, he's Jewish. Duh.
  • John Stewart is incapable of not being funny, drjimmy11, he's Jewish. Duh.
  • god damn you computer, there was no need to post that 3 times.
  • What LordSludge said is exactly what I was getting at.
  • Saw it and loved it, and you know, sometimes it just takes someone to remind us that anchors aren't supposed to be brainless, opinionless models. CNN has been asking for it -- and it took this long for it to come. I don't think he's very optimistic anymore, fuyu. Can't remember the exact episode, or the contents, but it was obvious he was trying very, very hard to find something good about his story (Bush/Administration related). Then he started banging his head on his desk. This is the thing I want to thank him for -- have been meaning to write to him for a little while now. It's not the humor, per se, that keeps me going in the face of all the crap that's going on -- it's the fact that you can tell he understands that a lot of this stuff is actually deeply horrifying... and he makes himself smile, anyway.
  • You know, I heard the trains were always on time in germany circa 1940. That musta been nice. It won't be long now before the quick-release Nazi references that crop up in every even tangentally politics related discussion are going to rob the history of WWII and the Holocaust of their power to shock and shame. And then teh Hitler will have won. Teenage kid: "So what if Hitler was a Nazi? My MOM is a Nazi. She won't even give me 20 bucks to let me go see a 3 Doors Down show. Plus she won't let me get my lip pierced. Sha, that's way worse than anything Hitler could have done." Dingle dangle, doodley do...
  • Tenacious, that's just the sort of comment Joseph Goebbels would have made, had he enjoyed participating on a community website used for the discussion of issues of current affairs in the tradition of vibrant democracy and free speech, you goddam nazi bastard.
  • I thought it was Italy where the trains were on time. Carry on.
  • I believe the trains were always late, but the gondolas were spot on.
  • *snort!* TenaciousPettle and quidnunc, you will each receive a bill for a new keyboard and can of soda.
  • I bags the "soda" bill.
  • YOU LIKE SAXOPHONES RIGHT Heh. I forgot about Fear.
  • Oh great. Jon just broke up with me on account of finding out about pete_best and drivingmenuts. Thanks Monkeys...thanks a lot!
  • I agree with moneyjane...Jon Stewart is WAY hot! so MJ? wanna take turns getting under his desk?