April 20, 2005

Y-Fronts and foreigners are just two of the (four) topics discussed by animated teddy bears over at Ricky Gervais' website [he of 'The Office' fame]. Cute, funny, possibly NSFW (mild language / themes), oh, and QT.
  • They have a point about the Y-fronts, you have to admit.
  • so "Y-fronts" = "tighty whiteys" for us Americans, huh? I always heard that term and could never quite piece together what it meant.
  • i thought y-front was a specific term for men's briefs that have an inverted Y, one leg of which is used for popping out the penis.  _____________ (······|······)  \·····|·····/    \···/·\···/      \·/···\·/          ***      
  • Nice drawing- that is also the design for what we call "tighty whiteys," although they dont always have the top of the Y (I dont think; I havent worn the damn things for 15 years)
  • I use the Y-front. And I pee sitting down. With the seat up. And a roll of toilet paper balanced on my head. Thank god for privacy.
  • ... one leg of which is used for pooping out the penis Boy, have you got things the wrong way round.
  • Don't forget the other Gervais website, Seona Dancing.
  • Boy, have you got things the wrong way round. Now as most people are aware, the muscular control involved is a bit complex...
  • OMG! Ricky Gervais was so pretty during his Seona Dancing days. The before and after pics are astonishing. And by astonishing I mean eeeekkkk!!!
  • I've tried it a couple times. I figured it was there, so that hole must be the normal method most people use. After a couple tries, I gave up, and grew used to the idea that I'll just have to be different and go over the top. It was quite a while before I found out that was the normal method. Though the hole in front of boxers is simple to use. It's quite nice actually. No need to undo your belt even. psst, roryk, how'd you do that? It always eats my blank spaces.
  • I never for the life of me knew what the slit in the tighty whiteys was more. I was figured maybe it was sort of an emergency release valve, so that if you got a really big boner it had somewhere to go and didnt rip the fabric.
  • psst, mr. k, i use an "ampersand"nbsp; to represent a blank space. it's not pretty when laying out, but it's the only way i've found short of designating a character as "background color", e.g. "·"
  • Kit, great site, best laugh this month! How about that little purple teddy bear? He whups the slow loris.