April 10, 2005

Piggyback ride takes on a whole new meaning.
  • Everybody make fun...of the fat kid....
  • toohep, I was just coming in this thread to post the same thing. Also, I freakin' LOVE the walt whitman essay.
  • The piggyback kid looks like the one who featured in a ton of photoshops on somethingawful or worth100 or similar.
  • tracicle: The piggyback kid looks like the one who featured in a ton of photoshops on somethingawful or worth100 or similar.
    Yeah, that was one of my first thoughts too. Considering the nature of all the photos on this site, I have serious doubts about the verity of this "piggyback" photo.
  • The ancient "Easter is cancelled" photo is on there too. Woo. Hoo.
  • This is a horrible post.
  • Some posts are just confusing.
  • I agree with killThisKid... this is better served on Fark or Fazed..
  • Not the same kid, & not a photoshop.
  • Maybe she was carrying him to market? (what, the market, to get some ice cream.)
  • I understand that the only way to make a good FPP is by making fun of a little kid, but are we supposed to be making fun of him for being fat, or for being poor?
  • killThisKid: This is a horrible post.
    Hey, still better than that one post that was just "chicken chicken chicken". I mean, talk about lame!
  • chicken.
  • fu's links have saved this thread from utter wretchedness - let us agree to proclaim him as our new god. all who disagree shall be punished and/or executed.
  • I disagree!
  • Kill the unbeliever!
  • Kill me!
  • Wait - wasn't there another essay by Peter Nguyen making the rounds of the internet, similarly completely made up and silly? Only that one, the teacher was marking seriously for a while before just writing "See me".