March 01, 2005

Star Wars stickers. Also, Star Wars Tazos, Mars Attacks Cards, A-Team stickers, Horror Cards, More horror cards (and aliens and spaceships, too), Thundercats stickers, Space 1999 stickers, Civil War cards (and many more)

Also, Garbage Pail Kids, Top Trumps, Gargoyles Stickers, Star Trek Stickers, 1950's sci-fi posters, Knight Rider cards, The Partridge Family cards, Grease cards, Transformers Stickers, Transformers Cards I hope you can forgive the self link in the middle of all that. Also, I got bored of my posting marathon.

  • I am going to have the coolest Trapper Keeper EVAR.
  • What are Star Wars Tazos? Some kind of space-themed tea beverage? Please excuse my ignorance.
  • Like Pogs, but given away free with packets of crisps.
  • Thank you. I've heard of pogs, but didn't know that the word is "an acronym for a popular Hawaiian drink made from Passion fruit, Oranges and Guava juices." Sounds delicious.
  • Looking at those Thundercats stickers made me realize you can't possibly draw animated characters like this today. I mean, there aren't even any tights on 'em! Notice how they have no neck-lines. And how could this one get past the censors? Like, um, whoa.
  • I'm getting forbidden on the Thunder Cats links. Now, I wasn't that sure if I wanted to see them, but now that I'm not allowed to, I'm aching to. Completely off-topic - I'm listening to Phillip Glass's score to Koyaanisqatsi, and it's so cool. I would include it on my next mofi-mix, but it's like, 86 minutes long :)
  • (I like singing along)
  • Oh - and to continue my impromptu and actually unintended comment marathon - so many )'s to dng, for all these links, and all rest he has given us.
  • dng, the posting marathon legend.
  • If you like "Koyaanisquatsi", try Micheal Nyman's score for "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover". (Specifically, "Memorial". Brutal.)
  • dng, the posting marathon legend. Cheers, all. You do make it sound as if I were dead, though...
  • Not dead, but exhausted, surely, after setting nineteen links into the post which I'm guessing is some kind of record.