February 16, 2005
Blue America: The land of the easily offended
Dennis Prager argues that blue people (i.e., liberal Democrats) are more easily offended than red people (i.e., conservative Republicans), and more readily take umbrage at any comment about women, African Americans, Jews, American Indians, gays, etc. than others.
One might extend this to include any "ism", including ageism, heightism, weightism, Macintoshism, etc. Do you think political alignment has aught to do with it? And if you're a liberal who's offended at the article saying you're easily offended, do you just prove his point? Why are people so easily offended (in general) at other people's opinions? Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom FROM speech. Or does it?
Guess what? Both of them can go fuck themselves. I take offense at ignorance, regardless of what color state they think they live in.