January 06, 2005

God Hates Rags And so should you.

[Entirely SFW]

  • I saw this film at a screening of the DC entries in the National Film Challenge (part of the 48 Hour Film Festival) and it was by far one of the best ones shown.
  • I also hate rags - I'm talking to YOU, clockwork orang pendek, you gaddam sockmonkey! BURN IN HELL! YEH!
  • [this is good] the_bone, posting from space kitty's account
  • It was kinda funny until I got to the part about Jim Henson being in hell. Then I felt bad, because he was a neat guy. :(
  • I felt a bit weird about the Jim Henson time-in-hell counter, but the film (which I eventually managed to watch, after much, um, buffering) didn't specifically mention him. It feels like a lot of issues packed into under 8 minutes, and I thought it ended on kind of a chilling/incomplete note. Maybe the incomplete feeling is due in part to the one-weekend time constraint for making it.
  • Remember: God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Sleeve! scratched my funny itch. Sorry, but I think the Jim Henson thing is hilarious! These people actually managed to make a joke out of the "Matthew Sheppard is in hell" froth. Somehow, I think Jim would approve. May his monkey critics do half as well.
  • I didn't know that there are sites out there keeping track of how long "Shepard has been in hell." I think Henson would approve of the film given the message of kindness toward others and occasional satire seen with the muppets and their stories. For me, the bit of weirdness might be because he's the only real person named on the site or in the film - everyone else is, I think, a caricature/parody of real life persons or movements but not actually referred to by their actual names. I guess the chance to make this joke using his name was too good for them to pass up.
  • And yes, I found the film funny. Looking back, I realize I never said that - it's hilarious - I guess I was just impressed by what all was going on in it in addition to the humor.
  • PY, appreciate your concerns, however, just for background, I was a HUGE fan of the Muppets in the 70's and still worship the ground JH broke. Wouldn't be no South Park without the Muppets. Henson loved irreverence in his creations and that's what kept a lot of us coming back and still watching reruns today. I consider the "days in hell" counter a worthy tribute to Henson and his unpredictable, iconoclastic creative artistry. Nope, no site that I've seen counts the days since Sheppard got into the supposed hot sauce. But that's what's funny about the satire site. It exaggerates for comedic effect, OK? And thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to watch the film ASAP.
  • It exaggerates for comedic effect, OK? OK. And sometimes comedic effect is achieved with a dash of discomfort or, what I called earlier, a bit of weirdness.
  • It exaggerates for comedic effect, OK? Actually, there *is* a site that counts the number of days Sheppard has supposedly been in hell. Coincidentally, I just found it today, while trying to find out more about Westboro Baptist Church, who have released a statement thanking God for the death of 2000 Swedes in the tsunami because we are, apparently, the "blood-sucking vampire citizens of the Homo-Fascist regime calling itself Sweden", or alternatively "walking-dead sodomite zombies anally copulating [their] brains out", or simply the "Land of the Sodomite Damned", because we have equal rights for gays and lesbians. They've also got a charming piece thanking God for the probable kidnapping of a 12 year old Swedish boy who survived the tsunami because "he would be better off dead than living in Sweden." These same splendid bastions of supposed Christianity do in fact on one of their sites, GodHatesFags.com, (which I'm not going to link to - look it up if you really want to) have a counter of the time Matthew Sheppard has, according to them, spent in hell. They also have actual pictures of actual outings they made to actual graves of deceased homosexuals so that they could dance on them. See also GodHatesAmerica.com and GodHatesCanada.com, as well as, obviously, GodHatesSweden.com, for more of the same. I'm assured that, unfortunately, this is not a spoof. Seriously, and sorry for the derail, but can someone tell me what the fuck is up with these people? and back on topic, the link was funny, thanks!
  • And I love blood-sucking vampire Homo-Fascists.
  • Wow. The little drawings on the bottom of the church's anti-drawing poster look like something that would come straight out of a comic satire. It's much too sad that they don't.
  • oops, that should be anti-Sweden poster.
  • Well, PY, sometimes maybe media are self-satirizing? The anti-sweden poster would seem to confirm that.