December 23, 2004
Taking it from the pony (NSFW).
I accidentally found this while searching Google Images for ponies. I've seen hentai before, but it looks like this artist has crafted one of the oddest niches I've ever seen.
Sure, you were "just looking for pony pitchers", not for beastiality or anything. ;) I'm not clicking, but I'm guessing this site has a tagline that reads: "FROM THE CREATORS OF SUCH WEB CLASSICS AS TUBGIRL AND GOATSE..."
Well, the sordid path that led me there went like this: * Today is Festivus
Ah, Seinfeld scripts.. * That reminds me of that "I had a pony!" episode. What the hell is a pony, anyway? * Holy crap! -
what the hell where you looking for?
Heheh. Dued, this aint nothin' new. This shit's been around for years. There's movies and crap based around wimmin fuckin horses, dogs, you name it. Now, I only really like pr0n involving human females & human males, but in my search for new & exciting erotic visual stimuli, sometimes I seen links or thumbnails to shit like this, only it's live action. I don't click on them.
This artist knows absolutely nothing about ponysex. No pony I have ever fucked would be capable of this position.
Oh. Shit. I guess maybe I've let a bit of a sheltered life...I had no freaking idea that pr0n like this existed. WHY?
Sickness. Tha's why.
Reminds me of an artist I knew in college whose "milieu" consisted of pencil drawing of erotic encounters between anthropomorphic dragons and unicorns.
Why? Agricultural roots of culture is why. Bestiality didn't seem nearly so strange to folks who grew up around farm animals. Mares *do* have pretty nice asses a lot of the time, doncha think?
In Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five there's a guy who carries around a picture of a girl fucking a pony.
A shame ponies usually have limited internet access.
It's the anime fetish navigation buttons that squick me.
They .. squick you? They actually squick you? Wow.
GAY PONY MARRIAGE - the extended Nostril dance remix Pick your hot pony boy here
She's doing it all wrong.
Dude. This stuff is weak.
Mares *do* have pretty nice asses a lot of the time, doncha think? I do.
Anyone here read dragon porn- NSFW
davidmsc: Welcome to the internets. Enjoy your stay. Your friend, The Man and Company Wikipedia links all
This is why we can't have ponies.
PS, I've been itching to link to the Goatse boot-floppy (SFW) for a while now, but I guess I won't find a more appropriate thread to dump it in.
I only got 4 right on the "my little pony vs porn star" quiz
I do not approve of this post.
Freen's post = TUBGIRL
Whoooee! Lemmee see if I get this ... there's strange SEX on the Internets? Cripes ... maybe it's time I got me one o' them computer gadjitts.
bleah! Waste of space on the intarwebs.
That's some hot shit right there. If only I had found this before I sent out those lemonparty Christmas Cards...
I'd rather watch pony sex than this; featuring themes of snuff, cannibalism, impalement & asphyxia. ....or, rather, none at all.