December 23, 2004

Taking it from the pony (NSFW). I accidentally found this while searching Google Images for ponies. I've seen hentai before, but it looks like this artist has crafted one of the oddest niches I've ever seen.
  • Sure, you were "just looking for pony pitchers", not for beastiality or anything. ;) I'm not clicking, but I'm guessing this site has a tagline that reads: "FROM THE CREATORS OF SUCH WEB CLASSICS AS TUBGIRL AND GOATSE..."
  • Well, the sordid path that led me there went like this: * Today is Festivus Ah, Seinfeld scripts.. * That reminds me of that "I had a pony!" episode. What the hell is a pony, anyway? * Holy crap!
  • what the hell where you looking for?
  • Heheh. Dued, this aint nothin' new. This shit's been around for years. There's movies and crap based around wimmin fuckin horses, dogs, you name it. Now, I only really like pr0n involving human females & human males, but in my search for new & exciting erotic visual stimuli, sometimes I seen links or thumbnails to shit like this, only it's live action. I don't click on them.
  • This artist knows absolutely nothing about ponysex. No pony I have ever fucked would be capable of this position.
  • Oh. Shit. I guess maybe I've let a bit of a sheltered life...I had no freaking idea that pr0n like this existed. WHY?
  • Sickness. Tha's why.
  • Reminds me of an artist I knew in college whose "milieu" consisted of pencil drawing of erotic encounters between anthropomorphic dragons and unicorns.
  • Why? Agricultural roots of culture is why. Bestiality didn't seem nearly so strange to folks who grew up around farm animals. Mares *do* have pretty nice asses a lot of the time, doncha think?
  • In Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five there's a guy who carries around a picture of a girl fucking a pony.
  • A shame ponies usually have limited internet access.
  • It's the anime fetish navigation buttons that squick me.
  • They .. squick you? They actually squick you? Wow.
  • GAY PONY MARRIAGE - the extended Nostril dance remix Pick your hot pony boy here
  • She's doing it all wrong.
  • Dude. This stuff is weak.
  • Mares *do* have pretty nice asses a lot of the time, doncha think? I do.
  • Anyone here read dragon porn- NSFW
  • davidmsc: Welcome to the internets. Enjoy your stay. Your friend, The Man and Company Wikipedia links all
  • This is why we can't have ponies.
  • PS, I've been itching to link to the Goatse boot-floppy (SFW) for a while now, but I guess I won't find a more appropriate thread to dump it in.
  • I only got 4 right on the "my little pony vs porn star" quiz
  • I do not approve of this post.
  • Freen's post = TUBGIRL
  • Whoooee! Lemmee see if I get this ... there's strange SEX on the Internets? Cripes ... maybe it's time I got me one o' them computer gadjitts.
  • bleah! Waste of space on the intarwebs.
  • That's some hot shit right there. If only I had found this before I sent out those lemonparty Christmas Cards...
  • I'd rather watch pony sex than this; featuring themes of snuff, cannibalism, impalement & asphyxia. ....or, rather, none at all.