January 20, 2004

What's Your (Party) Line? A scientific analysis of various wrong-thinking crypto-bourgeois ideologies. See, there's more to the MIM than its justifiably popular music and film reviews. I hope that this contributes some clarity to the politikkkal debate.
  • "Here is a species that can speak various languages instantly, fly space ships from distant galaxies, shoot advanced weapons...that the super-cockroach has not learned to synthesize tofu and that it would actually needto eat a humyn on the way back to its galaxy for food?" Bah. Aliens are outside our experience. It could have any of a billion reasons to go on a human eating spree. Maybe it's part of its religion. Or, maybe we just plain taste better than the equivalent of tofu. I'd never seen the reviews before, great find.
  • Good find goetter! Their ideas are so inbred they don't seem to be able to takeoff their Cultural Revolution(tm) sunglasses to observe the world. I would laught at them if they weren't deadly serious on their views. By the way, love the Buy from amazon.com button in their spanish pages.
  • On a vaguely related note, I liked this review of Solaris by the World Socialist Web Site. This mix of self-absorption and facile mysticism is the outlook of countless American petty bourgeois of a certain age and income and degree of complacency. It is not very appetizing or enlightening. Nothing serious can be produced on this basis.
  • Nothing serious can be produced on this basis. I initially took that as a Slashdot fanboy ranting against the Sun Microsystems UNIX offering. It makes just as much sense that way.
  • "[Tarkovsky] had his own preoccupations, a quasi-Christian pantheism." Has this earnest hack ever seen a Tarkovsky film? Andrei Roublev, anyone? Nostalghia? These films are absolutely steeped in Christian mysticism. Sure, there's a deal of nature-worship in there as well, but if you see nature as God's creation, the two are far from irreconcilable. Our hero, however, has probably not had the time to catch up on actual films, as the feverish scouring of textbooks for the "correct" line to take is extremely time-consuming. With the exception of his (extremely shallow) critique of the "look" of the film, everything
  • Keep those cockroaches away from my tofu, dammit! These gals sound hysterical. Probably need a ride on the pink pony to calm him down. /And gals? He's single!
  • which also reminds me of the joke, "How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" /women's studies minor, please don't hurt me or deny me love
  • how many?
  • Three -one to screw in the lightbulb -one to claim the socket's right are being oppressed -and one to secretly wish she was the socket /forksclovetofu told me, i swear
  • You're all frustrated patriarchal reductionists. Revolution is not only necessary, it is inevitable. bork bork bork /aus dem Lumpenproletariat
  • Phallogocentrist tool of the hegemony!
  • There's really only one way to follow this... MonkeyFilter: Phallogocentrist tool of the hegemony!