November 08, 2004

America Apologizes
  • ...for the link not working?
  • Worked for me, just very slow.
  • ...for the link not working? You just broke the first rule. via 404 Research Lab
  • The link works, I swear!
  • Also for your pleasure is the headline shown on this page and my personal favourite, courtesy of a German newspaper.
  • Link works, and this is goddamn awesome. This is why the internet is seriously going to save our ass, I swear to God. The rest of the world needs to know that half the population of the USA has been ideologically car-jacked. This method puts faces to a number in such a direct and simple way, and is easily available to millions of people. Bravo!
  • If I was old enough, I would have voted against Bush. And does anyone know if you have to be 18 to join the ACLU?
  • My coworkers and I are on about page 29. Humandictionary there are no age requirements for joining the ACLU. In fact, they have alot of great materials around student rights geared towards younger people.
  • Buh. Buh buh buh. Buh buh buh buh buh. Buh! Dhoyt.
  • Thanks Kimdog, I'll look into that.
  • I want to make a "The World Forgives Half of You, America" type of site with the same idea as
  • Oh, for goodness sake: this isn't apologising, this is a form of boasting about your supposed importance to everyone else in the world. OK, so you elected the Wizard of Oz again - so what? I don't care if you elect Donny Osmond as your President (now there's someone you could well apologise for) - I expect you will one day. A political campaign as free of political content as a burger bun is of nutrition; a personality contest between two men who don't have one between them - just let it go now.
  • Erm - remarks directed at the people with the site, not at you, Koko... :)
  • this is a form of boasting about your supposed importance to everyone else in the world The horrible decision that many Americans made is going to affect us all, Plegmund. There will be more wars in which more non-American civilians die. Bush will continue to ignore environmental problems, and to refuse to join the International Criminal Court. And with his "if you don't agree with me, fuck you" foreign affairs policies, he'll exacerbate the problem of terrorism. This election was not a "Coke or Pepsi" choice.
  • Thank you for responding reasonably to my grumpiness, OS. But (and it feels strangely rude or disrepectful somehow to say this, though it is merely the truth)I really don't believe that having Kerry instead of Bush would have impinged on my life significantly: the main effect might have been to alter the content of some of the stuff I read here. I'm afraid you're probably right that there will be more wars, but there would have been anyway - spasmodic foreign intervention is a well-established pattern now. What many people seem to forget is that Clinton bombed Iraq, too, and operated a no-fly zones and sanctions which were credited (how reliably I cannot say) with causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. But now I'm being drawn back into discussing the damn subject...
  • Now that I'm back from my cig break, I'll elaborate. That was taken from Metafilter, a little gem in a stupid thread. Lots of good points in that article.