November 08, 2004
A new old space dust trail, visible from Europe tonight.
The earth will pass through a thousand-year-old dust stream tonight (8 Nov), making a Leonid display possible just before midnight UTC. Europe only, really.
There'll be a second encounter on 19 Nov visible from Asia and the Americas. The American one doesn't look like it'll be much, though I'll still go out for it.
wicked! i'm going outside to catch space dust on my tongue! *finally switches off computer*
Well, we saw an aurora borealis yesterday here in Ottawa... ;) Seriously, if anyone sees the trail, do take photos!
I was out shooting photos of the aurora again on the night of the 8th, and saw probably 12 or so pretty bright meteors over the course of 1.5 hours or so. I came very close a few times to getting them on film, er, CCD, with the northern lights in the view also. Alas, each time my exposure had just ended. Weather permiting, I plan on being out for the 18th and 19th to take some shots of the Leonids. It would be extra great is there are auroras, a clear sky, good leonids, and a full moon all in one night. Might make for an intersting photo. =)
Ahh, heck, I'll post these here since they were requested in the last aurora thread... and well, this ones about the sky, so close enough =). Pictures of auroras from Nov 7th: One Two Three Each image is 1000 x 750, all under 70Kb. The orange dot in the bottom of one and three is a yard light by a shed. The town in the lower left of two is a town about 20 miles away. Shot using a Canon Powerhot A95, 15 second exposure, 2.8 ap, 200 iso.
ktk, AWESOME pictures! Thanks for posting those!
Neat, KtK! Thanks. I'm so jealous. Foggy out again, tonight.