November 08, 2004

The Dull Men's Club - it's ok to be dull.
  • I dunno, jb. I was rather excited to find out that the Toronto street rail and subway guage is the widest of the ``Normal'' guages. (Note that this doesn't apply to the Scarborough RT, which uses Standard Guage.) Also the airport carousel reports are gripping. Gripping!
  • And they tossed a coin to decide if it was going to be Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett!@#
  • It's about finding interest in the small things. I do like how they have banned exclamation marks. They also give instructions for how to browse the web without colour. The ads are too exciting, however. Monkeyfilter is itself somewhat dull, on the lavendar setting. I like that.
  • Thank you jb! This is utterly and wonderfully dull.
  • Running of the Sheep – too exciting for dull men? September 28, 2004 the "running of the sheep" in Te Kuiti, New Zealand may well sound dull enough to please, but alas it was unfortunately adrenaline-laced. The sheep took the opportunity to put into practice their carefully formulated plan for revenge on 160 years of economic servitude, and scattered to the four corners of Te Kuiti's CBD; small children were dagged, shrubs were trampled, grown men waved their arms energetically trying to restore order. You should issue a lightly-worded warning to prevent DMC members trying to replicate this senseless act of exhilaration. I love it. Thanks jb!
  • And they have a link to this.
  • *bows and worships the Dull Men, for they are clearly minor deities in the mofi pantheon*