November 03, 2004

Man Tries to Convert Lions to Christianity, Gets Bitten

So he's in Taiwan, but he's a direct relation to the people who are running the USA now, and will, apparently, for the foreseeable future. *can't even laugh at this, he's so depressed*

  • If only all stupid people could get mauled.
  • I totally thought it was a bullshit headline. I'm stunned. Does somebody have a link to the video of it? I'm not laughing that he got hurt, but I am laughing that he tried this stunt.
  • I'm laughing that he got hurt. Stupid fucktard. Sorry.
  • in other news: Jesus loves the little children. His lawyers however have asked him not to talk about it until after the trial.
  • I have an idea that involves releasing lions into the wilds of red states, with a PSA that lions are atheists.
  • (oh and this was pretty damn funny - and i need funny right now. thanks, TenaciousP..)
  • I don't have a video link, but they've been showing it all evening here on the news. He got bit in the leg pretty bad, but he'll survive (un)fortunately.
  • Where's Richard Dawkins when you need him...
  • Not in a cage with lions in it, that's for sure.
  • It didn't work 2000 years ago in ancient Rome, why would it work now ?
  • thanks tenaciousp. that felt good.
  • Hope he gets a thorough psychiatric evaluation while they are stitching him up - looks like the act of a mad man. On another note, I thought animals were gods creatures and didn't need to read a bible, go to church etc to be one - oh! wait they were Buddist lions that explains it ... heh
  • *buddhist
  • here is a link to the video footage
  • This reminds me of the time the Austrailian tourist climbed up the fence to the polar bear cage because she wanted to get a better picture. He ripped a good chunk out of her leg and got to keep her tennis shoe. A couple of days later, she appeared on local tv from her hospital bed and said something like 'That has got to be the stupidest idea I've ever had' She begged the zoo authorities not to 'do anything' to the bear. Far from 'doing anything' to the bear, zoo authorities had made a deal with a local silk-screener to produce t-shirts that had bloodstains on the back, a picture of the bear and a bloody shoe on the front, and the legend 'Bring me more tourists' The woman went back to Oz wearing one.
  • PatB, that would be the work of Binky the polar bear, one of the most memorable figures from my childhood. (What can I say? It's a very small zoo.) The widely-published pic of Binky with his souvenir warms my heart. And that tourist won BIG points for admitting that she was in the wrong.
  • oh! wait they were Buddist lions that explains it ... heh Well, why not? There are Buddhist tigers after all.
  • Too bad he wasn't a Taoist. Then he would have understood that the most important part of the lion is the part where there is no lion (i.e., those big empty spaces in its digestive system).
  • Almost a Darwin Award contender.
  • All I could think, when I saw this on the news this morning was, dude is insane. Btw, this is the first time I had ever heard of someone trying to convert an animal to Christianity. That is what made me think, this guy is just nuts.