November 03, 2004

A Very Scary Solstice. Today while watching one horror, I saw another: the first Christmas commercial of the season (on November 2!) That means it's time for Cthulhu carols! Our candidate may not have done well in the campaign, but his plan for world domination is proceeding nicely, so let us sing his praises and hope to be eaten first.
  • Funny stuff. I especially like "Freddy the Red-Brained Mi-Go": Freddy the Red-Brained Mi-Go Had a very slimy brain! And if you ever saw him, You would surely go INSANE! The documentary on that site (with special appearance by Chris Sarandon) is fun, too.
  • I can't believe the commercials have already started. Every year I learn to hate hate hate Christmas a little more. But I also learn to love Cthulhu a little more, so it balances out. O-oh tidings of madness and woe!
  • Cthulhumas is coming before you know it. Who wants to be my Secret Yog-Sothoth? ;E *dead but dreaming...of a black Cthulhumas!*
  • He eats you when you're sleeping, Chews you when you're awake, Doesn't care if you've been bad or good, So let the orgy beginbecausewe'realljustmeatyoubastards...
  • I just saw a fucking Christmas commercial on TV. Bastards! Destroy them, Oh Great Old Ones!