September 29, 2004
To Cut or Not to Cut?
That is the question, and this could be the answer you've been looking for. *Adult sizes coming soon.
NSFW, if you hadn't already guessed.
Please permit me to scream "ouch". ... ... ...OUCH!!!! Suggested future tagline: MonkeyFilter: Please remove that robot from my foreskin.
Do androids cut their electric foreskins?
Ok, so I'm reading how to use the gadget and come across the phrase "Fournier's Syndrome," which I'd not heard of before. Never do a google image search on "fournier's gangrene." Never ever do this.
oooo, nomen!! thanks for that, um, admonition. i'm always looking for ammunition in my fight to keep my sweetie from becoming diabetic (as his father and my father are). i think "fournier's gangrene" might just do the trick. but how the HELL do you know about it? or shouldn't i ask?
SideDish, morbid curiosity. That's all it takes.
Heh heh, Flashboy. Thanks, Nomen. Monkeyfilter: Morbid curiosity. That's all it takes.