September 22, 2004

The Most Unusual Words of English or Forthright's Phrontistery. 'If you're looking for an online dictionary, a word list on a given topic, or the definitions to rare & unusual words, the Phrontistery is for you.'

This is a pearler.

  • I love that site. I'm a big fan of obscure words. I suggest the Luciferous Logolepsy (already linked once, I see) and the Grandiloquent Dictionary as companions.
  • I'm betting Jonathan Franzen and David Foster Wallace have these sites frikkin' bookmarked. Not to be acrasial or anything...
  • Hey, if only I'd seen this a month ago I wouldn't have had to ask the meaning of Poetaster.
  • Yup, that's a fun site.
  • Hey, this is gonna be great for that 'ELEPHANTS' thread! Thanks!
  • Some words, like "magirics", seem worth going into panegyrics over, if only because they may be used to infuse the mundane with the exotic. But others, like "walleteer" are probably best forgotten, unispiring and unheroic, let them be cast out with the refuse! Fior this handsome link -- thanks, Nostril!
  • Oh gosh, I better not spend too much time word of the day might balloon into three or four.
  • These dictionaries, and many more, are accessed by OneLook, a dictionary aggregator. Great tool.