September 21, 2004

Curious George: Celebrity Arrests After reading about our friend Macaulay, I couldn't help but wonder which celebrity arrest my fellow monkies liked best and why?
  • Oh my god, definitely the time the Andrews Sisters were arrested during that USO concert in Guam.
  • Something about him just creeps me out.
  • Well, as Defamer noted, the corresponding Edward Furlong lobster-liberation incident seems to have been of very high quality. Also, anything involving Nick Nolte. Or Kate Beckinsale's imminent arrest...
  • He has Buscemi potential.
  • Second Nick Nolte's drunk driving arrest. for the hair alone.
  • Ozzy Osbourne arrested wearing a *St. Louis Blues* jersey. Put our little burg on the map, it did!
  • James Brown is almost as good fashion-wise as Nick Nolte.
  • The photo does have an unfortunate "just dragged out of the crawlspace under the merry-go-round" vibe. My fave is Glenn "I'ma Kill Yer Ass Fer Lookin' at Me" Campbell. (May need to jump on "skip this ad" button top right) "Force said that while in jail, Campbell could be heard singing 'Rhinestone Cowboy'."
  • Flashboy hit the nail on the head. For those who haven't seen it we give you The Smoking Gun's mug shot collection. And as a non-touring musician the tour riders make for excellent reading. Ah, schadenfreude, what would I do without you?
  • Keith Moon's infamous 21st birthday party at the Flint Michigan Holiday Inn. (scroll down to the biggest paragraph in the article)
  • Pee Wee Herman wins, hands down. So to speak.
  • Pete Townsend doing "research" on kiddie porn.
  • It's gotta be Zsa Zsa smacking the cop, daaaahling.
  • It's gotta be Zsa Zsa smacking the cop, daaaahling.
  • Keith Moon's infamous 21st birthday party at the Flint Michigan Holiday Inn. (scroll down to the biggest paragraph in the article) While Keith is a huge hero to me, it must be noted that pretty much nothing in that interview (or most interviews he gave) really happened- he never drove a car into a FULL pool, but rather dove into an empty pool, knocking out his own teeth. For the rare truth about Keith, check out his bio, one of the best rock books ever written.
  • I have to vote for Nolte as well. The best ones are hilarious, yet somehow true to what you already knew about the celebrity and don't inspire pity or contempt. That Glenn Campbell shot is wacky though. Looks like it was taken through a cage because they were scared to get any closer.
  • Am I the only monkey here who saw the Emmys Sunday Night when they tried 'creative' ways to list all the names for the comedy/variety writing nominees? The Daily Show had a videotape of Howard Dean shouting the writers' names. Conan O'Brien stuck the names between the song titles in a commercial for "love songs of the '70s". And David Letterman matched each writer's name to a Celebrity Mug Shot, with Nick Nolte as Dave.
  • There's been so many how can one decide? I'd have to say though, in no particular order: Martha Stewart- Because it is so at odds with the wholesome image she tries to promote. O.J Simpson- for the sheer entertainment value that the ensuing circus of a trial provided. Michael Jackson- Was it really a shock to anyone? And a special shoutout to repeat offenders such as Darryl Strawberry, Courtney Love and Robert Downey Jr
  • W.
  • Peter Buck's air rage incident involving flung yogurt and broken crockery was a good one. And of course, anything involving James Brown.