December 20, 2003

The Spongmonkeys like the moon. The orangutans bought the wrong bananas. [Monkey Flash]
  • probably just the fruitcake martini talking (2 oz. rum, raisin garnish, 2 oz. rum) but I kinda liked it.
  • I wonder what unbanana stew tastes like.
  • Those bananas will haunt my nightmares.
  • It's been about three weeks since I first saw this, and I still find myself suddenly screaming "Weeee like tha MOOOOOOOOON!" in public places for no apparent reason. When the men in white coats come to take me to the soft friendly room and feed me through a straw, I'm blaming Joel Veitch.
  • You should get the t-shirt to prove that it's not just you.
  • Our household has been singing the poignantly sad banana song a lot lately. It speaks to us. I wonder what Veitch's IP licensing story might be? Most of his recent web-published content features tracks by him and his brother (stern Laibach kittens notwithstanding), which certainly simplifies matters. I'm guessing that the Viking kittens disappeared in response to a licensing snafu.
  • I still don't see the monkey connection...or what Quizno's marketing executives were thinking for that matter.