July 22, 2004

Seymour Hersh A.C.L.U. address video (Real Player). Also in transcript form. Introduction: ". . .it's so ironic, ... the best information we may get about this election may come from a combination of John Sayles, Fahrenheit 9-11, The Control Room and the nightly news by John Stewart."
  • So strange to see someone speaking from a podium without bombast.
  • please link to . . ahh heck I'll do it. And basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children, in cases that have been [video] recorded, the boys were sodomized, with the cameras rolling, and the worst above all of them is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking. That your government has, and they’re in total terror it’s going to come out. It’s impossible to say to yourself, how did we get there, who are we, who are these people that sent us there. I am so fucking angry with Rumsfeld, Bush, the Pentagon, . . .Good thing I have superfuckingpowers.
  • further discussion here.
  • It's time for REVOLUTION.
  • What's the John Sayles angle? I checked the site quickly and am still unsure what exactly he's up to that directly relevant. Thanks.
  • What they are referencing when it comes to John Sayles.
  • Greg Proops monologue was pretty friggin' right on too.
  • John Sayles has gotten boring since he became political. I wished he still made movies like Baby, It's You and Brother From Another Planet.
  • "lone star" was good, sully. oh and have you ever seen "secret of roan inish"? very different.
  • I saw Lone Star. The movie asks some interesting questions, but has all the excitement of a Joe Lieberman speech.
  • John Sayles' "Silver City" storyline and trailer links
  • What did everyone think about Mr. Hersh's line regarding this being "the most important (U.S.) election since 1860" ? I don't think I've heard it put quite that way before.
  • I'd absolutely agree with that. I don't believe that most Americans really understand exactly what's on the line here, how absolutely crucial November is for the US (and at least very significant, I think, to the world at large). The Constitution certainly hasn't been in this much jeopardy since the 1860s, IMO, but I'd argue that long-term effects of November will run even deeper and further than that. What happens this fall will go in the history books, for sure. I hope we will look back on it with relief.
  • "the most important (U.S.) election since 1860" I too agree with this. For me, the bottom line is that Bush et al. asserted vigorously that they had the power to disappear American citizens (and others) off the street forever, unanswerable to anyone. How is that any different from Pinochet, except in degree? (I apologize if this Godwin's the thread. I am not asserting this as a matter of rhetoric. I honestly believe there is a valid comparison).