July 19, 2004

Cambodian Healing Bull. (RealMedia) Also: The fence-post Virgin Mary and the bleeding statues and something about a shrine that drinks yogurt or something. From the BBC.
  • A random white fence is an odd place for apparitions, isn't it? Anyhow... Miracles and religious wonders.
  • Here's one from around my way. The parish priest changed his name to "Andrew Notere" a few years back. He used to be "Andrew Nutter".
  • Interesting stuff, Wolof. As I understand it the Vatican takes years to authenticate this stuff even if they think it's the real deal. I wonder why in this one there's been no supposed verbal communication? I'm interested to see what eventually becomes of it. This page claims to have proof of "The Miracle of the Sun", with photographs, newspaper clips and eyewitness acounts from some of the 70,000 people who say they witnessed it.
  • I wonder why in this one there's been no supposed verbal communication? Because it's an Anglican church? Just guessing.
  • Whoops, didn't realize that. I just saw the "our lady" references and figured it was Catholic.
  • A pretty fair bet.
  • If these are the real thing, Philip Pullman must be right - the Supreme Being really is enfeebled and demented.
  • Actually, I rather like the pedestrian nature of all these "miracles". It is as if the supreme being has more of a sense of humor, rather than being enfeebled and demented.
  • I blame de Cabras for me spending an hour looking at things related to the Fatima miracles. It's so fascinating.