July 16, 2004

Let's Swap Again (Like We Did Last Summer) That's right, folks. Its time for the second round of the MoFi CD Swap. The innaugural round went quite well and I hope all those who participated, and a lot of those who have joined since, will come along for the ride.

Here is the way it works (A little different from last time). If you want to join, post a comment here, but also send a quick email to "[email protected]" (without the quotation marks). If you participated last time, just your name and brief note will suffice. If you did not participate last time, please include your real name and address. For further detail, read the FAQ. There are three previous MoFi threads about the first round. For reference, look here, here and here (From Tracy's Blog). Discs will be due to go out on the 20th of August. Groups will be organized a week or two prior to that. Groups have six members, so you will make and send five copies of your mix. Most importantly, the Discussion Boards are always up for you to post comments, or whatever. When groups are made each will, like the previous round, have a section in which they may discuss the discs. Now I am going to link to the FAQ again because it has a lot of information and should answer any questions not sufficiently dealt with in this post.

  • Please include me again, shotsy. I really enjoyed the music I got from the first one. Email is on its way.
  • I'm in.
  • delurking to say... oh yeah, I'm in!
  • Of course I'm in. I loved it.
  • I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.
  • I'm in. No, really, this time I'm in for sure!
  • Sign me up.
  • I'm in.
  • Yes!
  • Definitely
  • only have a second, but i am in.
  • Damn! That's right around my move across country. I'll have to bow out this time.
  • I'm in.
  • I just joined, but count me IN on this!! I love forcing my musical tastes on others! (I just spent a large part of the day yesterday making a DJ playlist for my friend's party tomorrow.)
  • I want a piece of this action.
  • I'm in!!!!!
  • I'm in. I'll send the email now.
  • unh, unh, unh... another one rides the bus!
  • I'm in(side)!
  • I'm in; mail's sent.
  • I'm in. Email going out now
  • OK...I signed up for the last CD swap, sent my address out and never heard back. Last time I checked the CD swap page the "schedule" section was still nonexistant...so I'm wondering, did I somehow miss the last swap, or did it not go down? In any case, sign me up, shotsy.
  • I'm very definitely in.. this is good, because I signed up for the CD swap group message board, but I had no idea how I went about actually getting added to a group. /me starts making mixes already
  • Me too, 4ortyumpteen3
  • Sounds very cool, count me in.
  • I'd like to be in, but my burner, it has gone tits-up. I'll catch you guys next round.
  • I'm in. Shotsy, you want help on the admin side, like last time? de Carabas: you were on my list, but I don't see you on shotsy's breakout. Shots, did we miss him?
  • I'm in.
  • Yahaaa, me too!
  • Fes: I'm not sure what happened w/ de C, but I've spoken with him and we're all straightened out for this new one.
  • Oh me too!
  • i'm in again! wee!
  • Im in-sign me up!
  • Im in-sign me up!
  • Im in-sign me up!
  • Im in-sign me up!
  • donabean is keen
  • Im in-sign me up!
  • forgive the multiiple comments-computer kraziness
  • Please remember to email me at the above address with your information in addition to posting here. Also be sure to include in said emails your mofi screenname. Carry on.
  • I didn't add my username. my email is dngdng, though, so hopefully it'll all work out fine...
  • Okay, count me in. Although I must warn you, it took ages for my last lot to arrive, for some reason and I never got any feedback *sob* so whatever group I end up in might be unlucky. Or lucky, depending on how you feel about the result.
  • I am also again wanting to reparticipate once more... or something....
  • BBF, weren't you in my group? I loved all the mixes I got, so if you were then yours was really cool. :) Oh, and I'm in too, please.
  • Shotsy baby, I'm in.
  • Please record my desire to participate in your database of persons. Thank you. -- Agropyron
  • I'm in again. You need my info again, shots?
  • oh I am excited (I had covetously read the prior threads). Email in transit. whoo, and other expressions of delight.
  • I fucked up last time and noone got my mix. So I'm out. I would however, offer to send out a set of mixes and not recieve, by way of penance if you'd be interested in me doing so.
  • BBF, weren't you in my group? Nuh-uh.
  • oooh! i'm in.
  • I'm in like a mother fucker. Yes, like a mother fucker.
  • I'm totally in. Email on its way.
  • Y'all: I'm excited. Just over 24 hours and we've already got 47 monkeys in for the swap. Please stop over here to make sure you are on my list. I've compiled it from emails and from this thread, but I just want to make sure I don't accidentally leave somebody out. If you're not there, email me and I will rectify the error.
  • please make that 48 - really enjoyed the last one and have been looking forward to this one ...
  • I am honour bound to to say Yes Count Me In.
  • Once again, this finds me sans address, sans burner, sans every thing.
  • Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips.
  • Count me in on this one too.
  • this comment is here only to keep this thread on the 'recent comments' list for those who may not yet have seen it. deal!
  • I wanna play...
  • Да, да, я хочу в!
  • Me too, me too...
  • *throws hat in the ring*
  • Sure!
  • there's room at the IN special note: am actually, currently, concurrently, and coincidently listening to IgSlut's MoFi Mix from round one. go figure!
  • i'll take a look at the inbox and post new stats this weekend on how many people we've got.
  • I would like to be in, if it's not too late.
  • Gang, we are currently up to 58, beating the first round in double digits. I couldn't be more proud. There is still time to join if any of you monkeys haven't gotten around to it yet. specifically, I'd love it if we could get 2 more participants. That way it'd be perfect. Though more than two more are, of course, welcome to join. We can always make room for more bananas. This is the most up to date list of participants, so check in if you haven't already. The list I posted last week is all included here, so if you were on there, you are on here. Now for the callouts. Will members Ian Would Say and lkc please pick up the white telephone in the lobby. Or just email me. I haven't gotten addressed from either of you and had trouble getting in touch w/ you. Cool. I hope everybody is having fun with their new mixes and all the new members (about half were not in the first) are getting into it. Don't forget to check out the resources over at the subsite for templates, etc. And read the FAQ if you haven't yet.
  • Count me in.
  • We've got sixty, plus I know one more, so keep on coming if you're interested. I'll accept new names until the end of next weekend, (I think that's the 8th) and then I will send out groups. CD's should go out no later than the 20th.
  • I think I'm thinking far too carefully about what tracks to include, since thus far my written list has a whopping total of one song. But it's a good one, so maybe I'll just burn it ten times.
  • I just saw this! I'm in if it's not too late, details on the way.
  • i'm totally in, email is on it's way
  • It is not too late. I'll take signups until this coming Sunday, methinks. Come one, come all.
  • I'm in. email en route.
  • Oooh, oooooh, pick me!
  • Just a note: I will be closing sign-ups on Sunday. Sorry to keep posting, but I want to make sure everybody who wants to join sees the thread.
  • I think I'm thinking far too carefully about what tracks to include, since thus far my written list has a whopping total of one song. But it's a good one, so maybe I'll just burn it ten times. Tracicle, you're my hero. (same here)
  • You know what? Count me in. I'm going to be moving to another state soon, but I'll use my new address, so the first real mail I get is mix CDs! I'll need something good to listen to while I unpack.
  • Anybody else notice this? Maybe we should just swap CD's this way next time and save the postage...
  • Good point. But it's obscene fun to open up the packages, see the artwork. At least for me. Because I have no life. :)
  • Yeah. It's just not the same. I struggle to keep my sporadically-updated mp3 blog supplied with mp3s with the webspace I get anyway.
  • Hmmmm... On second thought this could make the Swap accessible to more Monkeys. Anyone far-flung who would have to pay exorbitant postage, or the generally strapped for cash. Something to think about at least.
  • So, are we good to go, Shots? I see from your site that the groups have been selected, my playlist is within a song or two of being ready (everyone likes REO Speedwagon, right?), and my cover-art selected and altered for maximum titillatory response. May we commence with the swapititation?
  • Any way to get in on the action before it's too late? (I'm flush with postage and blank CDs and a yearning desire to share)
  • It's too late for me to try these out, but if you're stuck here are a few questions (taken from here) that might help you get started: 1. Your favorite song with the name of a city in the title or text. 2. A song you've listened to repeatedly when you were depressed at some point in your life. 3. Ever bought an entire album just for one song and winded up disliking everything but that song? Gimme that song. 4. A song whose lyrics you thought you knew in the past, but about which you later learned you were incorrect. 5. Your least favorite song on one of your favorite albums of all time. (i don't hate this song that much...) 6. A song you like by someone you find physically unattractive or otherwise repellent. 7. Your favorite song that has expletives in it that's not by Liz Phair. 8. A song that sounds as if it's by someone British but isn't. 9. A song you like (possibly from your past) that took you forever to finally locate a copy of. 10. A song that reminds you of spring but doesn't mention spring at all. 11. A song that sounds to you like being happy feels. 12. Your favorite song from a non-soundtrack compilation album. 13. A song from your past that would be considered politically incorrect now (and possibly was then). 14. A song sung by an overweight person. (Robert Smith is great but not exactly skinny) 15. A song you actually like by an artist you otherwise hate. 16. A song by a band (whose members actually play instruments) that features three or more female members. 17. One of the earliest songs that you can remember listening to. 18. A song you've been mocked by friends for liking. 19. A really good cover version you think no one else has heard. 20. A song that has helped cheer you up (or empowered you somehow) after a breakup or otherwise difficult situation.