July 15, 2004
Curious George: French Mefi?
Does anyone know of a mefi/mofi equivalent in french?
I only know this one, but hopefully someone else will have something which I will then greedily snarfle up.
Since this is an unpopular thread may I offer up a K'niggits joke?
Since you've made nearly 300 comments in a month flat and offered no links, do you not think your next offering might not rather be something of the linky kind?
Funny you ask Torluath, I was about to launch one on canalblog last tuesday, when I realized that html was disabled in comments ! How stupid is that ? The only way to share links via the comments is to write down the urls for ppl to copy and paste them ! unbelievable. Anyway, I'm planning to start one as soon as possible, I'll post it here when it's ready. - Wolof: the content of aeiou is very good. Shame it works only on invitation and the comments are so scarce.
I was going to say I really enjoy a lot of the links on aeiou as well, though it seems less community-like [that of course may be due to inexecrable French]
bees, you make me giggle :o)
From ask.mefi: Can anyone recommend some good French-language blogs? Might contains some leads.
And as long as we're talking about foreign language stuff, does anyone know of anything like a German MoFi (or MeFi)?
I'll post it here when it's ready. Great!
right, beeswacky, I now notice that I left out the crucial "my" indicating it was my ability to speak the language rather than the language itself that was deserving of cursing and wailing. However, now that I think about it... I didn't know the word itself was obsolete and potentially that it never even existed (a nifty trick, that, both ignored and non-existent). Also didn't know the Columbia encycolpedia of American Standard English was so snarky!
1594 Constable Diana viii. i, Though shee protests the faithfullest severitie, inexecrable beautie is inflicting.
Thanks for the aeiou link, Wolof. There's some really great stuff there, like these B Day fireworks pics for eg. But, I'm still looking for a place I could post in french -- so go, Koant, go!
ilyadeux: Thought the word was interesting, but didn't understand what you meant. I got curious since it was unfamiliar to me, so Googled to see what it was all about. Wasn't trying to be snarky, and I apologize if what I wrote came across that way.