June 05, 2004

You'll be amazed at what people throw away. So why not Freecycle and find?
  • grr, I wish the communities didn't need mod approval. I want to find free stuff in Vegas now! :)
  • Yeah, I don't get it either... if the spammers are going to get in, they're going to get in. There's really no way to "pre-screen" a new applicant.
  • I've used Freecycle here in Kansas City to get rid of a junk assed piano. I haven't picked anything up yet, but I do look on occassion. What irritates me the most about this is the beggers. I've seen people wanting cars, someone was begging for a 25th anniversary Mac, and they asked that it be in really good condition. I just find the balls of some of the beggers to be irritating.
  • Judging by all the useful things and edible food I've found in dumpsters, anyone willing to put a little bit of effort into it can live for nearly free. This freecycle thing seems like it takes both the hassle and the fun out of hopping into a new dumpster.
  • I have a new filing cabinet from freecycle - it's great. I don't have a lot of stuff to send back to freecycle yet - but I may have a ton of furniture in a year or two. Putting things in dumpsters means they get broken or dirty - and usually go to the dump (I know - I have been watching the dumpsters being pulled away full from the dormitories for the last month - I tried diving, only to find rugs covered in paint that had been thrown in after, and food waste on couches). We already have way too much trash in North America - and people need things. It pains me to see good things thrown out, and anything that stops just a little bit of that is wonderful. The begging is a bit hard - some communities have decided to moderate. The principle is that wanteds should be kept to a minimum (generally the sort of the thing that you suspect people wouldn't think to offer, like old clothes for rags) - the exception being that if a charity wants to make requests, I would say all power to them. The Red Cross in New Haven was recently asking around for small portable fridges - I should email them to see if they are still looking because a friend might have one he doesn't want.
  • I guess - but possibly easier for those who don't frequent Craig's lists (I just found out yesterday what Craig's list was). It's community based as well - the list I am on is for New Haven and surrounding towns. Is Craig's list like that?
  • I don't know, SideDish, why not click the link and find out?
  • i did, jer, i guess i should have said, "this looks just like craigslist." which is very fun, too bad it isn't in more cities.