June 01, 2004
"Did I ever told you about 'The Beatles'?"
Well, if you want to trigger granpa a flashback or *cough* still like those lads' tunes, check out this 3D op-art Flash (big 7.7Mb sucker) from those demented Melon guys, who started their mastery with audiovisual demos that fit on an Amiga floppy, back in the days when the Beatles still were together, or something like that... With karaoke mode! And lots of colors rapidly flashing, so beware.
Obscure Beatles fact
Too...much...information! Must...ventilate head! *sound like cracking melons* Sorry. Been reading Dilbert during my lunch hour.
Thanks, Flagpole---this made me smilesmilesmile!
Wow, it's like the Beatles on drugs! Oh. Wait.
fantastic (literally). I liked the tea-cups.
Il y a deux de quoi?
Deux de tout, peut-etre.
C'est une attitude plut
oui, parfois. Mais en ce moment : Il y a deux filles en moi Celle qui chante la joie Il y a deux filles en moi Celle qui pleure tout bas
Translate manichéenne. Academie-Francaise dictionary doesn't show up anything. Newsgroups and web glance reveal that it probably means something akin to 'binary'.
... ..Oops.
[In English, Manichean or Manichaean]
Thanks goetter. Wolof, I don't view "it" as a "struggle" between "good" and "evil". Just the nature.
Il y a deux filles en moi... [Real]
That was rather excellent!
Beautiful-Clean-Smooth. nice stuff!!!
I wonder how one would go about saving this file to HD? Can't seem to find it in cache.
Try right clicking and saving this.
Brilliant. Thanks.
that was very thorough goetter
(you guys use biiiiig words!)
Where is Wendell to explain all my jokes for me?
I have been studying Kant all day
eine Selbstverst