December 09, 2003

The Donkey Kong Megasite.

This is still one of the best games ever made.

  • Why do you think it's one of the best games ever made? Not a challenge -- just trying to stimulate discussion.
  • Constantly playing this game as a kid led to the creation of our family's own informal motto: "Never turn your back on a barrel."
  • Why do you think it's one of the best games ever made? Just that I can play it for hours on end without getting bored, even though its only got a couple of levels. It just seems, for whatever reason, fucking good fun to play - and thats an all too rare thing.
  • True dat. I'd also say that it was a huge step forward in video games and created a whole new type of game -- the platform jumper. I remember spending hours at the 7-11 playing this in my teens.
  • I never got into video games until I went to university, but when I was a kid we had a cheap console called a Kingsway (Atari 2600 clone) with 64 built-in games including Pacman, Donkey Kong, Pong, and Pitfall Man. Pitfall Man and Pacman were my favourites and possibly always will be. I wore out two joysticks on those two games.
  • Hell I remember having to buy new joysticks every week or so from bending them too damn far. But that allowed me to open them up and figure out how they work. After I broke my first (and so far only) PS2 controller I opened it up as well and was excited to see how far the technology has come, yet how similar it all looked. And yeah, Pitfall was a great one. I loved Adventure as well.
  • flash animated Mario Bros-related movie (wait for the music before you give up on it)
  • certainsome1 - I first saw that here. No idea where its originally from, though - its certainly an odd little thing.
  • Where its originally from. I knew I should just ask metafilter.
  • Oh dang. The web site ist kaput. DNG's link just above is interesting though.