May 02, 2004

Atmospheric Optics Ever wonder why the sun can look flattened at sunset? Or what a nacreous cloud is? You've heard of rainbows, but what about fogbows?

I came across this site from a story about why the moon would looked like molten lava in this picture. Also from the same story: how the moon set/ moon rise looks from the ISS.

  • Nice links.
  • Pretty sky pictures, yay!
  • wooo...nice. I'm gonna try and turn that into a wallpaper. Cincinatus, one atmospheric ) coming up...uh...down! *takes out manual on Photoshop 7*
  • Handsome and interesting -- thanks, Cincinatus.
  • I imagine this would be very educational if I could stop looking at the pictures. Thanks!
  • Ah yes, and that would be the old one about how if you enjoy it, it can't be good for you.
  • These are purty. Nice post.
  • Purty stuff, yea. But twenny years ago, I used to see Jarbidge Mountain 100 miles to the south of me nearly every evening. Sun dogs were rare. Now I see sun dogs daily, and rarely see the mythical* mountain. I wanna see the green flash. Mythical because it seems to float on the horizon when you can see it, and because every summer for twenny years, my ol'man and I have been planning to do a two week camping trip up there, and it always gets messed--maybe this year!