April 02, 2004

Former Sen. Gary Hart says he, too, warned Rice about an imminent terror attack on two occasions before 9/11.
  • I think I should come clean, too. I also warned Rice before the attacks. Why I haven't said anything until now is my business. Who does Hart think he is? Paul Revere?
  • Of course, the problem is that he warned Donna Rice. Monkey Business Indeed.
  • I told Jerry Rice, but it wasn't high on his list of priorities...
  • I warned Anne Rice, but she said the giant leeches would take care of it.
  • ulotrichous wins. ;)
  • Now 39, a born-again Christian and conservative icon, she's crusading against pornography on the Internet. Write a letter to Donna Rice eie@cais.com Any takers?
  • So maybe it won't be Osama's, but rather Condi's head that will be paraded before November? "Hey, look, it was all her fault.."
  • Sooo.... what does やられた mean, メクシカンさん?
  • In general terms it means that you've been beaten. Along the lines of like a "He got me" kind of thing. I wanted to post something on topic but can't think of anything. Maybe someone else will come by to set things back on track. ミシカンより
  • ulotrichous: [bunch o' bananas] to the point (there is one, yeah?): "the most cowed press corps in american history" + "Bush's attack dogs" + unpatriotic actions + ... I dunno, i guess i'm just not too bothered that the 9/11 commission is eliciting these comments vs. Gary Hart runs into a sea of reporters over Christmas screaming "i told you so". /off_topic what's with pre-Condi-can-testify pictures of her scowling like the devil is eating her lunch vs. post-Condi-can-testify pictures of her smiling like her child won the big game?
  • damn you mexican for making me install the japanese characters in every machine I access MoFi with. Even that I don't understand shit about it.
  • Zemat: Your welcome? I'm still working on a way to make it so that you have to install a Microsoft security update every time you read one of my comments. Should be ready sometime next week.
  • Feisty!