December 04, 2003

Praising Judy Davis.
  • I'm calling out Dizzy in the nicest possible way. Is this a MonkeyFilter first? Dizzy - friend, what's so interesting about this? It's a fan page. Not even a particularly well done fan page. She's super talented and yes, as a person quite interesting, but there is nothing here that can't be found a hundred other places on the Internet.
  • IgSlu- I wanted to share my simple delight in Judy Davis with the other monkeys. But no, the site is not especially unique. (I hoped it would start a conversation with others about favorite cool actors, much in the same vein as "fave breakfasts" and "fave beers", but I can see your dismay as I certainly did not explain it that way in the post.) More thoughts?
  • Take it outside, you two! Now, I want a fair fight. No biting, scratching, or hitting below the belt! And no "yo mama" jokes either...
  • Strictly speaking for myself: I don't care for those kind of posts for two reasons: a) I don't share the same interests as a million other monkeys and it's not likely that other people will give a rat's butt about who/what I like. b) those types of conversations seem more interesting/genuine when the happen naturally in response to a rock solid post. If, however, you feel strongly that you want to continue with this sort of post I'd go for finding the unusual. After Googling 'Judy Davis" this was the fourth or fifth result. Find something truly unique. Compare it to something else unique. Example: I love the El Camino. Aren't they great? Did you know that Frank Sinatra coveted his 1972 El Camino? Then there's the El Camino Motel where all the beds should be made from El Camino back-ends. Chances are you'll get a couple of great quips from people that have owned el caminos or how ugly some people think they are. However, again for my tastes, this sort of thing belongs on your personal blog. But I'm willing to play along in the same sandbox with ya anyway!
  • Thank you, Ignorant Slut. I'm still learning the ropes about this whole thing, as is obvious, and am eager to hear more of your kind words regarding appropriate posting. (And you are certainly better with the HTML than I am!) I'm really glad you are willing to play along in the same sandbox with me.) I'm feeling more MeFi every minute.
  • So, who else besides Judy Davis gets away with wearing brown lipstick?
  • naxosaxur - Speaking of 'yo mama' jokes: I work for a company called FatCow and we keep an eye out for the use of our name to make sure there isn't any confusion, etc. One day I came across this site in my explorations.
  • IgSlut, those are the best and nastiest insults I've seen in a while. I especially like You're mother is so fat, she jumped up in the air and got stuck. I'm tempted to run these all through the Shizzolator.
  • ohhhh... Now that's the shizzle.
  • Er, actually doing work. Doing actual work. Something like that.
  • Judy used to eat apples all the fucking time, I got fed up with it. Always thru a recording session, chew chew chew.
  • Chyren! Make us stop!