March 30, 2004

Super Dickman! How much ofd this chocolate foamy kiss can you fit? [Entirely SFW]

This isn't (intended) as Pepsi Blue, incidentally. I'm just amused by the name...

  • How thick is it? At the main site you can find Dick, dicker, superdicker Partyspaß!
  • Is it worth point out that "dick" is German for "fat" or "thick"? So I think that a good English brand name might be Thick Ones. With a slogan like "I can't wait for the creamy taste of a Thick One". And "Man, is that a thick one or what?" would be more idiomatic. As long as "Thickone" also happened to be an English surname. Their prose style is horribly twee in German too.
  • rodgerd, let me just say....I can fit a lot of that Super Dickman chocolate foamy kiss into my mouth! And, would be quite happy to do so.
  • this might be the wrong thread.
  • Chocolate foamy kiss? Are they talking about santorum?
  • BWHAAAAAAAAAA HAHA great link!!!!!
  • Damn you babywanna sofa, I launched into this comment section with santorum on the tip of my tongue and you got there first. Uh. I mean... You know what I mean. Right?
  • The english speaking reader should note that the word 'dick' translates to 'fat' in english.
  • on blort in 3...2...1...