May 16, 2008

Will Elder dead at 86. One of cartooning's giants. Weird Fantasy, Two Fisted Tales, Trump, Help!, Mad, Little Annie Fanny...

Godspeed, and thanks, Will. You did good.

  • Will Elder! Oh noes! He drew one of the earliest "Mad Magazine" comics that utterly and completely creeped me out as a child and to this day, I still cannot read without shivers going up my spine: "Mole!" For some reason, as a kid, the thought of someone using his last nose hair to dig his way out of prison was wrongly delicious and Melvin Mole's violence was awesome. Elder also drew the outstanding parody of the Archie comics, called "Starchie," which I adore, and also dared to parody "Mickey Mouse" back in the early Walt Disney lovefest days. He will be well missed by me. Thanks for the tip off, Capt. Renault.
  • He did Little Annie Fanny? Mr. Elder, thank you for your assistance with my puberty.
  • Sorry to hear this...