August 09, 2007

Battle at Kruger Astounding video of lions and buffalo contesting a calf at Kruger national park. Brief third species guest appearance too. Apparently all over the 'Net, so apologies if you've all seen it already
  • I always root for the lizards.
  • If you are, like me, an ultra-short-attention-span child of the late 20th century, you can skip the first minute or so; things start getting awesome about one minute in. I love the fact that YouTube lists it as a "video response" to another video. I choose to imagine that a bunch of lions and buffalos saw the other video, decided it merited a response, and rounded up a tourist with a video camera to help them make one.
  • i saw it on TV in a news story about the viral spread of videos via YouTube...
  • Whoa....that's deep or something.
  • This is actually live video of the "sacred and the human" thread.
  • Without my agnosticism to subdue me, I'd kick your ass for that, Rtd.
  • That actually made me giggle.
  • That was epic.
  • Sometimes there are just desserts!!!
  • I like just desserts but my nutritional requirements force me to eat my peas and broccoli.