February 18, 2007

"John is our god," declares village chief Isaac Wan, who beats his fists into the ground to emphasise his words.
  • Fascinating tale. Maybe I should go there and be King.
  • Marty Meth, a retired businessman from New York Marty Meth?? Geddafuggouttahere.
  • "A Christian youth worker told me how he thought the cult was childish. "It's like a baby playing games," he insisted. "Those people are holding on to a dream that will never come true," he said."
  • Har-de-har-har, Libertarian!
  • Think how cool it'd be if someone showed up out of the blue with a boatload of presents. Don't say anything, just drop off a bunch of food and books then sail away into the sunset again.
  • That would really be cool, considering I live on top of a mesa, in a desert (well, sort of). There is a pond nearby...
  • *scans sky
  • OK, am I the only U.S. Monkey sorely tempted to rent a post office box in the name "John Frum" and have some fun?
  • No, there was some guy in another thread who was talking about that very thing.
  • How much would it cost to air-drop 2000 MREs?
  • I guess the people in the Superdome in late August, 2005 were cargo cultists. But, of course, dropping them food and water from the sky would have been technically impossible.
  • Those silly Vanuatu natives are heretics. Everyone there knows that Prince Philip is the true god.