February 01, 2007

Amusing Mailboxes
  • Amusing yes! But the gomichild she does not like this browser window resizing. Open in new window monkeys!
  • What's a "mailbox"?
  • A long time ago, people used to communicate by writing down words on paper, folding them up in an envelope, and then giving that envelope to a magic pixie that would deliver the words of the writer to the recipient's address written on the outside of the envelope. The magic pixies would zip all over the world delivering letters, and they got really tired. So people would build little houses for the magic mail-delivering pixies to rest in. Of course, you wouldn't want them to rest in your house, because of the trouble they would cause (like monopolizing the TV remote). So these little pixie houses were built out in front of your house and were called "mailboxes". And there the little magic pixies could rest their tired booties after a long day of slogging mail around. But in these digital days, we tend to forget those magical times.
  • Aside from the impudent resizing, I must say I admired #6's determination, and felt quite sad about #17 - wish I could send that one a letter. I always get a chuckle out of this one in my part of the world, not from a Hawaii 5-0 angle so much as a religious one.
  • *misses the milkman*
  • What's a "mailbox"? A mailbox receives mail. It is a conceptual entity which does not necessarily pertain to file storage. For example, some sites may choose to print mail on a printer and deliver the output to the addressee's desk. Normally, a mailbox is comprised of two parts: (1) an optional display name that indicates the name of the recipient (which could be a person or a system) that could be displayed to the user of a mail application, and (2) an addr-spec address enclosed in angle brackets ("<" and ">"). There is also an alternate simple form of a mailbox where the addr-spec address appears alone, without the recipient's name or the angle brackets. A mailbox is also that thing that the snowplow keeps burying. Amusing mailboxes don't last long here.
  • A "box" is a crude euphemism for the genitalia of a woman. A "malebox" is the scientific term for the genitalia of a post-surgery male-to-female transsexual.
  • Geeeeedouttaheeeah.
  • So, I guess that makes my mailwoman a lesbian.
  • Or a versatile date.
  • Mine used to be a cute horsie with the head cut out of wood and the tail a hank of yarn that pulled the door down. Nasty boys drove by at midnight and hit it with a baseball bat. :( Now it's just a plain black mailbox, but it does have a trotting horse hanging under it. :)
  • I'm sorry GramMa. But for the many people who got a kick out of that horse . . er . . mailbox, I bet it was all good.
  • Nasty boys drove by at midnight and hit it with a baseball bat. :( You make me recall memories of growing up in South Dakota, GramMa. There was nothing better to do (for angst-filled teen males anyhow I suppose) than driving around and wreaking chaos in many forms. One of which was "batting for mailboxes." I remember one night, there were upwards of 100 mailboxes taken out (mind you, I was one of those "good" kids who went along for the ride, but did not play the game). A 1970-ish Dodge Dart filled with five 15 year-old boys: driving the rural dirt roads of the NE corner of SD, taking aim at each and every mailbox while speeding along - - - - > SWMACCKKKKKK!!!