December 02, 2003

Letz meet 'em and greet 'em Pleezed, I'm sure "And yet, I feel true hope for our future." MoFites, meet Kimberly. Kimberly, I see you've met some of the folkz already.

Kimberly seems to have said what I've been thinking. Like, unh, who are these monkeys, anyway? I, too, keep clicking on links looking for a peep into the minds, hearts, and lives of my fellow MoFites. Hey, Pez, here's a shout out to Lewiston: BlueHorse here, from Mountain Home! Already TWO from Idaho--go figger. [shuffles feet, looks down] Oh, and Kimberly, if I have committed an invasive personal faux pas, forgive me--or cover me in hagfish slime or monkey poo whichever is most fitting.

  • *blush* I'm flattered actually, and I think this is a great idea--being the general snoop/busybody/loud mouth that I am, I've been super curious about all the monkeys in this house. Also, I lived in Mountain Home when I was a kid. My dad was stationed on the Air Force Base. Small world!!!
  • Well, *I* have never lived in Mountain Home...but I do have that Northwest thing going. I took inspiration from Kimberly's '10 Things' last night and added my own. Scott
  • BlueHorse: Thank you for the gentle nudge to update our bios.
  • eerie. I read Kimberly's bio last night and was also inspired to put something in my bio. So far, I've only made it to 5 things, but like life, it's a work in progress. Ambrosia
  • *Stubbornly retaining imaginary air of mystery*
  • Thanks Kimberly for reminding me that a bio isn't just a spacer. I've updated mine to be as clever as hers. Only different. And not as clever.
  • Okay okay okay... I'll write something in my bio...
  • There. Went from saying too little to saying too much, as usual. I'll probably delete it tomorrow. Feel guilty about it. Write something else a couple of weeks down the line, then forget about it. As usual.
  • Consider it done... Not that I've got much to say... Nor do I know how to say it...
  • Oh yay! I'm one of those horrible people who insists on having you walk around at parties with a nametag with one intriguing fact written on it.
  • Okay, fine, did it. Peer pressure! I left out the part about how I can start fires using only the power of my mind. Let's just keep that between us, shall we? Thanks.
  • I put the Pro in "prolix".
  • Oh look, it's appropriate... Cyrano
  • He found me! Damn you, Cyrano! Damn you! *girly sobbing*
  • Kimberly, I figured by the whole Garbage Pail Kids/Barbie thing that we must have been the same age.
  • Ok, I give! How does one edit one's profile? While I'll probably never be able to recreate the witty and endearing list I tried to add (and which didn't take), I would like to correct a couple of things in my original blatherings.
  • ... and are we??
  • hey path, in the upper right corner click on "profile," then you can tweak all you'd like.
  • Hit "Profile" in the upper right links. :)~
  • NickDanger - Albuquerque? Get out! Good to see a neighbor here.
  • I did hit Profile, but the additions/corrections I added to the bio were gone when I exited and then went back.
  • Path
  • beezy — you work at AOL?
  • Thanks, all.
  • Does anybody else find it kind of funny that people are linking to their profiles, even though all you have to do is click on their name anyway?
  • I meant to stay a lurker, because I like lurking. (Started reading without meaning to post, because the posts were so good). But then I started talking, and there's no end. Sorry. On preview: I would like to second stepself's "I should be studying", and say - yeah, yay double woo!
  • Oh, yeah, we are.
  • certainsome1- I'm about to NOT work at AOL, which is a semi-long story. [I think it's funny.] But, yes I do, for the next couple of weeks.
  • Genial: Well, I linked to my own profile because quite frankly I need the html practice. Ignorantslut given the nature of this town I guarantee that we shop at the same grocery store, have lived in the same apartment complexes, and can quickly rattle off the names of three mutual friends/dire enemies. Oh, and recite by heart the principals that Don Schrader lives by. Although we might not be frequenting the same bars :) Good to meet you. get out! I am! See #9.
  • I'm about to NOT work at AOL, which is a semi-long story. [I think it's funny.] Do tell.
  • OK, OK, I joined the teeming millions.
  • I don't like to miss out either.
  • NickDanger - Is that a money-back guarantee? Cause I'd take that bet in a heart beat. Except for the part about Don Schrader. And you'd likely be wrong about the bars too... but maybe not. I'm much more likely to swig at Martini Grille or O'Niells than you might think.
  • Uh, yeah. i have a profile now. ... Hi.
  • Ignorantslut Okay, I was wrong about the bars. Assuming you mean O'Niells on Central, and not the Uptown abomination. In fact O'Niells and the Martini Grill are the only two bars I frequent anymore. I've probably accidentally spilled my drink on you (sorry about that.) And I'll stand by the 'three mutual friends/enemies" statement. Experience has shown that there are only two degrees of seperation in Albuquerque.
  • I had to scratch my #7 which used to say 'I don't succumb to peer pressure'
  • Okay, the Wendell story is in my profile (in the form of links to where I'd said it all before on MeFi or my blog). I [heart] links.
  • Posting too much in the profile thingy is too much info. Who doesn't push it a bit much, say on your resum
  • My "ten things" (after Kimberly) are mow done as well.
  • "Now," dang it. ::staggers off to bed::
  • "Now," dang it. ::staggers off to bed::
  • ::cries::
  • I'd delete one for you, but I'm procrastinating right now.
  • Tracicle, don't delete them! It was too funny. Just procrastinate more, heaven knows you need it!
  • Yeah, let 'em stand. They'll be good for reinforcing the all-important character trait "humility."
  • Procrastination is a higher state of being.
  • NickDanger - Both, actually. I work right around the corner from the uptown location. So it's a frequent after work stop. Maybe we'll check on the 3 friends/enemies over a pint of Harp some evening.
  • Monkeyfilter: Bringing Albequerquians Together Since This Morning Around 9:30.
  • Hey, jb Just write your damn thesis, then procrastinate. (I know whereof I speak, and wish I was capable of taking my own good counsel.) If you want to procrastinate usefully, (I know, I know), learn LaTex, and your paper won't look like some unkerned piece of shit from Microsoft Hell.
  • Aw shucks, I wasn't really going to...
  • I may be late to the party, but I brought penguins! I like reading what those who have 'em have written. No-one should feel obligated, though that will make my deliciously ironic deathtraps that much harder to construct.
  • such a gratifying response! [begins making out blackmai, er....Christmas, that's it! CHRISTMAS list] Someone here is going to have a very special Christmas. [heh heh heh]
  • "I may be late to the party, but I brought penguins!" heh. i like pez. pez, will you be my special pez?
  • Fes Do we need to find a St. Louis buddy for ya? ;)
  • i wonder who the oldest and youngest among us are.
  • I'll be allright *sniffle*
  • And pen-goo-ins are good eatin' btw... How do you insert pics directly into the comment?
  • i wonder who the oldest and youngest among us are. You mean physically or emotionally?
  • Can I play, Can I play?
  • Done and done.
  • So SideDish, tell us more about this tattoo. IgnorantSlut: Wadda playing hard to get? Must we fetch out the pitchforks and torches to get you to conform?
  • Far be it from me to buck a trend, and so I join the madding crowd.....
  • Dave: Eeeew! Irvine! Orange County blows. You poor thing. I lived in San Joes a while and that was actually nice. (Of course it was before the "boom" and things weren't outrageously overpriced at the time.)
  • Yeah.. Good old San Joes. (flagellates self)
  • I have a life, too, you know! OK, not much of a life, but I aspire to one.
  • Ugh, San Jose now sucks. I wish I could have seen it before the boom.
  • BlueHorse Conformity kills!
  • I agree! Conformity kills! *clutches heart* *expires*
  • tattoo? i have a tattoo? oh, yes, i seem to have a tattoo! it's on my ass. it's a heart with a scroll that says ANDY. which, of course, annoys my lover, whose name is Harold.
  • Conformity kills! I've spent my entire life trying to fit in, but somehow they always seem to spot me.
  • certainsome1 and I share a love of the pen-goo-ins..... (so. happy!) Oh - finally added my new profile - heh.
  • IgnorantSlut Beer = good.
  • Space Kitty, Not only that... we agree on your numbers 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10 (and especially 10a). And I, for one, encourage your living out your dream of number 9.
  • Following on from certainsome1: Is Eddie Izzard sexist though? Surely he is one of the most evenly balanced people in the universe, sexwise :) * hides dictionary in pocket, hides self behind sofa *
  • I can say with 100% certainty that she meant "sexiest" not sexist. I know this because I've seen her go completely bat shit while she was talking to him post-concert when he was signing stuff for us.
  • d'oh! What an embarrassing typo. Of course, I meant 'sexiest' (SEXIE!) not 'sexist'. And Kimberly is completely right - I did meet Himself and I DID go completely batshit. ::sigh:: Good times. Come back The Carolingian!
  • I managed to miss him on his latest tour, much to my disappointment. And, of course, the DVD isn't available for love nor money (at least, nowhere that will admit to it). *sob* But.. I HAVE A FLAG!
  • And a number of other small countries.
  • Oooh! Oooh! Can we invite Eddie Izzard to be an honorary Monkey?
  • I second! For, er, strategic sheep purposes. (I use that line all the time.)
  • it's five in the morning here. what in gods name am i doing. this is why i get in trouble with this stuff. i read all of it. like that guy who reads the entire paper (chicago tribune?). and is way way behind. but he is going to read the whole thing, and plans on catching up. i actually tried to google him. should be sleeping. this is my string.
  • coriolisdave, have you checked here for the DVD?
  • England? What's that you've got behind your back?!
  • Ah, an Eddie Izzard reference. I remember when I would have no idea about that reference. Sad days indeed.
  • *pats BearGuy on the shoulder* Maybe it's time to lie down now? Take a nap? Have some cocoa, it's nice.
  • That's $8 cocoa.